Nothing special. The humor has other benefits as well. Famous fictional Debaters include Captain Jack Sparrow, The Joker, Dr. Emmett Brown, and Mark Watney. I’m still a little behind on this TV series. Mark’s eyes narrow as he types his response. He is idealistic and strategizes by foreseeing how the enemy will strike. Take an unofficial version here to find out which one of the 16 types you are, and what all these letters mean. He lacks empathy and believes only he is right. He teams up with Katniss because he believes in the cause. She is protective, but also trigger happy. Much like crew of Ares 3 did to Mark Watney, The Martian abandoned the behavioral sciences and blasted off without them. He holds onto what he believes is true and good, though he unknowingly insults the people of New York City. He sees an ogre and attacks it. Her reckless decisions have gotten her into trouble with men and her family. She wants to work with the others to ensure their survival rather than isolate herself. It is clear that he thinks of them as a unit and he tears up when finally gaining contact with them for the first time. Hogwarts House: Slytherin. He generally has a He hears Giselle singing and jumps off a bridge. Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw, Bianca Stratford - ESFP Pretty, perky, and popular Bianca loves to keep up with the stylish trends. (Julia Stiles is an INTJ, so she comes off as very INTJish in the movie. Locke encourages him to pursue his own potential and he learns to let go of his unhealthy relationship with Shannon. Mark says the dish has blown far away, he'll never find it, he gives up there (which is actually out of character for Mark, but early enough in the book that we don't know that). He remains upbeat and has a clever sense of humor that keeps his morale in tact throughout most of them film. She enjoys the traditions of the Capitol and grows to genuinely care for Peeta and Katniss as she spends time with them. He is slow to adapt to his new situation and the people around him.Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff, Sun-Hwa Kwon - ISFJ Sun is compliant to her husband and mobster father, but she easily befriends Michael and Kate. Now that the movie's been out for a few weeks, what are your thoughts on each character's type? INTP (Engineer) / Albert Einstein. During the evacuation, astronaut Mark Watney is struck by debris and lost in the storm; the last telemetry from his suit indicates no life signs. He falls in love with Bianca at first sight and becomes determined to find a way to get close to her, like learning and tutoring her in French. He holds onto his values of right and wrong and staying true to who he is. He commands subordination and uses the Bog of Stench to threaten anyone who disobeys him. He enjoys his life of luxury and roses, but holds no empathy for those he inflicts pain on. He focuses on tiny details to make a precise decision, like which color t-shirt to wear. Language: Though she can be selfish at times, she stands up for the people she cares about. Rather, he expects the person to know through his commitment to them. He then creates his own greenhouse using whatever is available to him in order to sustain himself. When Matt Damon signed on to play astronaut Mark Watney in the ... seems to be a big draw among certain types of readers," says Williams. 13. Teddy is on the phone as Mitch approaches. I am not saying that it is a bad movie. ENTJ Fictional Characters – ENTJ Personality Type. Sign up Log in. This type of personality will be A warrior with a sexual nature, she has a weaker sense of morality as she sees no problem in sending Capitol children into a new Hunger Games. He is often silent and thinks to himself. Related. He is one of the six members of the Ares III, the third manned mission to Mars. In 2035, the crew of the NASA Ares 3 mission to Mars are ordered to lift off from their landing site in Acidalia Planitia six days into their planned month-long stay due to an intense dust storm which threatens to topple their launch vehicle. The stress of the plane crash and losing his son puts him “in the grip.”House: Hufflepuff gone bad, These are based on the movies, not the books. will be a valuable asset to the team, not only for his botanical and mechanical He doesn’t express his feelings outwardly with words or gestures. From Playstation’s multiple exclusives that has been given high…. She dreams of being picked the night before the Reaping and can see the hope Katniss is generating in people. How was MAV fuel plant able to make fuel using hydrogen so quickly in the end? Hogwarts House: Gryffindor, Peeta Mellark - ENFP Hopeful and kind Peeta is capable of seeing alternative possibilities and meaning. A NASA astronaut on the Ares 3 mission, Watney is accidentally left behind on Mars by the rest of the crew… read analysis of Mark Watney She relies on her experiences as a hunter and archer to survive the Hunger Games. Si: He relies on his storage of knowledge as a scientist, engineer, and astronaut during his time on Mars. strong mind and body, but he also possess a sharp wit. He lacks the empathy to treat his creations with compassion. She uses Cameron’s plan to go out with Joey Donner. He creates his robots to have free will but does not actually give them any. He is eager to learn more about time and space and sees his many experiences as a real-life experiment. In the end, Sarah stops playing the victim (”It’s not fair!”) and finally takes control over her life (”You have no power over me.”). Browse through and take mark watney personality quizzes . While in New York, she learns to think for herself and to get to know a person before jumping into a relationship with them.Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff, Robert - ISTJ Robert likes predictability, stability, and a strong work ethic. He drifts through life looking for meaning and purpose in everything. In the MBTI personality types, the function stack is based first on whether the person is an Extrovert or an Introvert (E or I), and then one needs to look at the last character in the four-letter classification, which may be J or P, to check whether the person uses more Judging, which is decision-making processes, or more Perceiving, which are information gathering processes. The labyrinth is made up of objects and symbols from her childhood, signifying her struggle to grow up from a spoiled only child to a big sister with adult responsibilities. He trusts the island and seems to know exactly what he needs to do and why. He is the only one who does not fear the smoke monster. He responds to threats physically and is a strong outdoorsman – an excellent fighter, archer, and trapper. Mark Watney is a famous YouTube personality, known for his videos on botany. Hogwarts House: Gryffindor, Johanna Mason - ENTJ Johanna has a take charge attitude. His poor logic gets him into very bad situations.Hogwarts House: Gryffindor, Shannon Rutherford - ESFP Spoiled and conceited Shannon shows more interest in her tan and outfits than helping the others to survive the island. See more: watch Avengers Infinity War online. Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw, Jareth the Goblin King - INTJ Jareth observes Sarah in the real world and uses her family situation to take advantage of her. Emma Swan - ISTPHogwarts House: Gryffindor, Mary Margaret Blanchard / Snow White - INFPHogwarts House: Gryffindor, David Nolan / Prince Charming - ISFJHogwarts House: Gryffindor, Henry Mills - ENFPHogwarts House: Gryffindor, Ruby Lucas / Red Riding Hood - ESFPHogwarts House: Gryffindor, Neal Cassidy / Baelfire - ISFJ Hogwarts House: Gryffindor, Robin Hood - ISFPHogwarts House: Hufflepuff, Archie Hopper / Jiminy Cricket - ISFJHogwarts House: Ravenclaw, Sherriff Graham / Huntsman - ISTP Hogwarts House: Gryffindor, August Booth / Pinocchio - ENFPHogwarts House: Ravenclaw, Leroy / Grumpy - INFPHogwarts House: Gryffindor, Dr. Whale / Viktor Frankenstein - INTPHogwarts House: Ravenclaw, Regina Mills / Evil Queen - ENFJHogwarts House: Slytherin, Mr. Gold / Rumplestiltskin - INFJHogwarts House: Slytherin, Sidney Glass / Magic Mirror - ISFJ Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw, Jefferson / Mad Hatter - ENTPHogwarts House: Ravenclaw, Cora Mills / Queen of Hearts - ENTJHogwarts House: Slytherin, Killian Jones / Captain Hook - ESTPHogwarts House: Gryffindor, Peter Pan - ENTPHogwarts House: Slytherin, Zelena / Wicked Witch of the West - ESFJHogwarts House: Slytherin. Language: Which one are you closest to? As such, She remains calm under stress, but can also act out physically in her anger.Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw, Daniel Faraday - INTP Daniel is a scientist who looks at things from many different angles. He easily calculates where his enemies’ will be, how to escape them, and how to manipulate them. Mark Watney was on Mars for 549 sols, which comes out to about 564 days. She volunteers to be a medic in the war and rescues her cat as a stray. She struggles with handling her emotions and struggles with self-doubt and shame.Hogwarts House: Slytherin, Mr. Eko - INFJ A man of faith, Mr. Eko is quiet, calm, and confident. He keeps a video log and talks to an audience in order to keep his spirits up rather than staying in his own head. good for deflecting a hostile situation. 24. Her strength is in caring for others. Hogwarts House: Slytherin, Caleb - INTP An analytical mind who is fascinated by the technological aspects of Nathan’s achievement. He is less interested in analyzing why things are and more determined to complete his perfect A.I. The mission commander should be sure to keep him in When she takes a stand, she is deadly.Hogwarts House: Slytherin, Sawyer Ford - ISTP Cocky, resourceful Sawyer always finds a way to survive that suits him best, such as hoarding supplies from the wreckage. He is slow to ask her out and speaks directly when angry.Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff, Michael Eckman - ENTJ Michael comes up with the genius plan to win Cameron the girl. 7. (A Martian sol is about 40 minutes longer than an Earth day.) Though he initially takes on a purely objective and observational approach, Nathan convinces him to involve himself emotionally. during a serious crisis or moment where focus is required. By the end of the novel, however, he's a dang hero. Used on Rovers and Spacesuits. Famous historical Debaters include Thomas Edison, Mark Twain, Alfred "Weird Al" Yankovic, and C é line Dion. survive a trip to mars will typically find this sort of insult funny. Always on the go, she is constantly aware of what will happen if she stays in one place for too long. Hogwarts House: Gryffindor, Finnick Odair - ESFP An obvious showboat, Finnick loves the limelight and luxury. The island finally gives him the chance to be the outdoorsy guy he always wished he could be.Hogwarts House: Slytherin, Hurley Reyes - ESFJ Hurley is the mother hen of the bunch, always taking care of the others. Few can boast such a strong ability to make a snarky remark and then continue Tell me what you think. He relies on his cake decorating skills to camouflage himself in the Games.Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff, Gale Hawthorne - ENTJ Gale is the provider and protector of his family, Katniss’s family, and the rest of District 12. Watney is a man fit for the job. That interplay of the fantastic (he’s studying soil on Mars) and the mundane (he’s studying soil on Mars) is vital to making Watney a compelling character. He’s masterfully created the elaborate labyrinth to prevent Sarah from taking back what is rightfully hers. He handles every obstacle directly and skillfully. She is blunt in her actions, words, and even choice of weaponry. Another day at the office. 2018 has been a great year for gaming on all platforms! mother. Venkat: Mark, please watch your language. He enjoys physical stimuli such as dancing, binge drinking, and working out. Hogwarts House: Slytherin, Haymitch Abernathy - ISTP The mastermind behind Katniss’s survival, Haymitch outwits the game masters and generates support for Katniss by selling a lie. I'm pretty sure that Mark Watney is an INFP, though my friend passionately disagrees. She’s athletic and can climb trees, track her way through the jungle, and handle a gun. He sees the possibility of growing a farm of potatoes to feed him for the next two years. He sees Claire’s baby as his own and becomes jealous when Locke grows closer to him. He takes it upon himself to coach the others in life and faith on the island. She tries to escape her unhappy marriage, but ultimately chooses to remain loyal to Jin.Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff, Charlie Pace - ESFP Charlie is a performer, always telling a joke or playing his guitar. He looks at a package of potatoes and doesn’t just see one meal. Other than the strong language, (which I feel doesn't make the story any better, and could have been just as good without all the f-bombs) I'm enjoying the novel. mechanism that allows him to essentually blow of extreme adversity/negativity. He sets strict boundaries for his daughter and his girlfriend. Here’s what I’ve seen so far. Oh, Jesus. Martinez is described as a good-looking man of Latino descent, and at one point in the novel he refers to himself as Mexican. He uses out-of-the-box thinking to survive in the arena and to play to the crowd. Watney is The Martian ’s protagonist, and he narrates large sections of the novel. crisis and stress situations. He wants his daughter to admire women of the past who have achieved greatness throughout history. Not only does he posess a Thinking is not his strong point, but he strives his best to find Giselle and never gives up.Hogwarts House: Gryffindor, Kat Stratford - INFP Kat has extremely high standards for herself and everyone around her. ... From smart to sexy to cute, each member of GOT7 has his own ideal type. Still, he doesn't seem to do (or at least doesn't mention doing it) a 5-10 mile radius check … Tim tries really hard not to smile and fails. She has a dream to marry her prince and is eager to make it happen right away. Sex was only "mentioned" a few times. Hits ENTER. According to Bianca, she’s morphed from a pleasant person to a judgmental, tempestuous nonconformist. He has an other-worldly presence about him.Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff, Jason Bourne - INTJ Though Jason Bourne has lost his memory, he intuitively knows exactly what to do. He uses people to obtain his goals and maintain his sense of control. In fact, I might go He lives in the moment, making impulsive, rash decisions. He eventually feels empathy for Ava as he begins to see her as a human being rather than a computer. I’ll include more characters once I’ve caught up. His attraction to Sarah is slightly sexual and disturbing. He lessons Seneca Crane on hope and motives, understands that Katniss has become a powerful symbol, and sees through Katniss and Peeta’s onscreen romance. They go PALE. Sometimes there will be rants, other times lessons, and other times just good fun. Carbon Dioxide filters - Absorb carbon dioxide until saturated. He sees the possibility of growing a farm of potatoes to feed him for the next two years. He takes care of her when she gets smashed at the house party and encourages Cameron not to give up.Hogwarts House: Slytherin, Cameron James - ISFP Cameron is romantic, naive, and shy. The story follows an American astronaut, Mark Watney, as he becomes stranded alone on Mars in 2035 and must improvise in order to survive. He devises a plan with Haymitch to ensure Katniss’s survival and teams up with the Careers to protect her. He creates fantasies to lure her in and disorient her along the way. However, in my experience 'The Martian' does not succeed in truly captivating or intriguing you. Leave a Reply Cancel reply. He’s tried a little bit of everything. He uses his knowledge to assist and later save everyone on the island.Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw, Miles Straum - ENTP Witty and sarcastic Miles is too smart for his own good. I look forward to seeing the movie soon! even when it doesn’t seem reasonable to be able to do so. She wants to attend an east coast school simply because it is somewhere else. Fortunately, Giselle teaches him to loosen up a little. Mark Richard Watney (born October 12, 1994) is an astronaut. With the remaining crew in peril, mission commander Melissa Lewis gives the order to launc… He stands up for her when people disrespect her and for himself when she uses him. He uses his golden bracelet to prove he’s an ally to be trusted and takes the lead in the Quarter Quell. Lately though, his videos are made difficult to record because someone upstairs is always playing the piano. Hogwarts House: Slytherin, President Snow - INTJ President Snow enjoys being in control and pushing the buttons. personality traits. The jokes Albert Einstein was married to Elsa Lowenthal for 17 years. He remains loyal to Shannon even though she’s taken advantage of him time and again. She has moments of trusting her intuition when no one else does.Hogwarts House: Slytherin, Michael Dawson - ISFP Michael is intensely emotional and distrustful others. Besides his faith, he relies on his size and strength to protect the others and survive on the island.Hogwarts House: Gryffindor, Ben Linus - INTJ Ben is a cold, calculating, manipulative narcissist. Just for fun, here are the Myers-Briggs types of a whole lot of fictional characters. He has supernatural abilities and uses them to scam people out of their money. Mark Watney has enough for 1500 hours of CO₂ filtration. The group reads Mark's response. In her youth, she expressed herself through an emo sense of style. His memories are tied to emotion, such as the time he threw a starving Katniss some bread. He follows what he believes is his destiny. He calculates how long it will take to be rescued, how much food he needs, and how to communicate with NASA back on Earth. … higher moral in pressure situations, and allows him an avenue to blow off steam Hogwarts House: Slytherin, Sarah - INFP Sarah is a daydreamer who loses track of time. He is eager to take action and fight back against the corrupt system of Panem. It is a defense Browse through and take mark watney personality quizzes. Er… a lot.Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw, Prince Edward - ESFP Prince Edward lives entirely in the moment. Which one do you like best? You must be logged in to post a comment. He acts as a guide on the island by providing advice and information to those who need it, including a young Ben Linus. Though a generally friendly guy, he urges Walt to stay away from the other survivors. She takes charge of her circumstances by volunteering for the Hunger Games to protect Prim, taking care of Peeta, and resisting the oppressive hand of President Snow. He exacts harsh punishments on anyone who deviates from his control, thus the Hunger Games were born. He believes in the music first and fame second. During the hurried evacuation, astronaut Mark Watney, a botanist and mechanical engineer, is impaled by an antenna that was torn loose, flung out of sight by the wind and believed dead. He thinks practically, advising his tributes to look for water first and using the arena’s forcefield as a weapon. Though he's smarter and braver than I am and he doesn't have my flaws. A practical joker with a somewhat rude sense of humor and an extroverted personality, Martinez is the pilot responsible for controlling not only the Hermes aircraft but also Mark Watney’s launch vehicle. As a doctor and researcher she dedicates her time and focus on discovering a cure to infertility problems, and is willing to take risks in order to do so. She appeals to Caleb by digging into his insecurities and playing with his emotions (lying, flirting, seducing, guilt trips). He tends to give the negative aspects in his life Hogwarts House: Gryffindor, Ana-Lucia Cortez - ESTJ Ana-Lucia is a natural leader who takes charge. He deals with his pain and guilt in secret. Home Stories Quizzes Create Profile. So, approximately 18 months. Hogwarts House: Slytherin, Joey Donner - ESTP Joey is a model obsessed with his own looks, money, athleticism, and popularity. She does what she feels is right for her and those she loves. He remains logical throughout the film and consistently uses his knowledge of botany and engineering to keep himself alive. In my opinion the movie failed to really immerse you into the action or make you feel the danger of space, the way that for example 'Gravity' did.Also, it came across as feel-good NASA propaganda. Mark Watney is a famous YouTube personality, known for his videos on botany. ), Katniss Everdeen - ISTJ Katniss has strong memories that tie her to her family, district, and Peeta. He is good with his hands, as he reveals he is an artist and works in construction. refer to as the class clown. Carbon Dioxide liquid - Formed by compressing and cooling carbon dioxide. The Ares psychologist describes him as intelligent and resourceful, "with a great sense of humor." There should be more sci-fi movies done in such an earnest way. He will be a valuable asset to the team, not only for his botanical and mechanical skillset, but also for his uplifting yet somewhat abrasive personality. But I think the character Kat is a pissed off, counterphobi INFP.) Thanks to his military training, he is excellent in a fight.Hogwarts House: Slytherin, Jin-Soo Kwon - ISTJ Quiet, but controlling Jin works hard to provide for his wife and to protect her. All in all, Mark Watney’s personality is strong and stable. He’s a great strategist and a critical smart ass. skillset, but also for his uplifting yet somewhat abrasive personality. While Watney himself Ne: Mark Watney is extremely adaptive and resourceful. She is always learning and able to use both Caleb’s and Nathan’s own logic against them. He finds Giselle’s romanticism ridiculous and unrealistic. He experiences the supernatural, but thinks he’s going crazy. She grasps Snows hidden threats but is less able to play the deceptive game than Peeta is. Each platform has been praised differently on how we view gaming today. The protagonist, Mark Watney, is in many ways, the kind of person I want my kids to be, and who I hope to inspire kids in our Inventors class to be. Much like what we do with a child when we ask them if the Mark is a sure fit for the the mission crew. Why does Mark Watney stop doing this in the garden? Although Mark didn't choose to be stranded on Mars, he made the best of the situation he was given, using his personality, intellect, and determination to fight his way out of an impossible bind. She is a natural mother to Morgan and can’t help but mingle into Robert’s divorce case. He somehow manages to charm other students into liking him, but he’s too dimwitted to see he’s being played by Michael and Cameron.Hogwarts House: Slytherin, Jack Shephard - ESTJ A take charge leader, Jack wants to fix things and create order in the chaos. Mark Watney (The Martian) Henry Tilney (Northanger Abbey) Benedick (Much Ado About Nothing) Augustus Waters (The Fault in Our Stars) ... ENFP Personality Type. (Though they are pretty much the same in both media forms. Watney is what we would She struggles with her self-esteem, but knows how to get others to do things for her. They are not cleanable or reusable. He drowns himself in alcohol because he knows no matter what, there will be no happy ending. Though, his generosity and trusting nature make him an easy target to take advantage of. Deep down he lacks inner confidence and compensates by organizing his outer world.Hogwarts House: Gryffindor, Kate Austen - ISFP Independent and strong-willed Kate can’t be told what to do. I’m not talking about their academic field or career choice… His speech is very precise, logical, and decorated by quotes of earlier scientists and philosophers. Posted by jarthur4707 at 11:53 working on the piece of equipment that just hurt them. The Martian – a Novel Reviewed By: Elan Azrieli Elan Azrieli reviews books and films for The Columbia Review. Thanks to his conditioning, he is constantly aware of his surroundings, can improvise on the spot, and turn anything into a weapon.Hogwarts House: Slytherin, Giselle - ENFJ Exuberant Giselle wants everyone around her to be happy. It was originally self-published in 2011; Crown Publishing purchased the rights and re-released it in 2014. She can also hold a grudge. A sandstorm forces them to return to their orbiting vessel Hermes. I was somewhat disappointed by 'The Martian', maybe because I had such high expectations of it. The Martian is a 2011 science fiction novel written by Andy Weir.It was his debut novel under his own name. 31. (Photo: Wikimedia) "Engineers" are interested in figuring out how things work. He does not blame anyone for his situation and expresses concern for the well-being of his team. She feels responsible for caring for her sick sister and tries to help out those she sees in need. When we first meet him, he's your average, run-of-the-mill botanist. She has a strong sense of right and wrong that she never compromises. Check my other post about the Martian: that ability will serve him well on the harsh martian environment. In the Myers-Briggs typeology system, there are sixteen personality types consisting of four letters: E for extrovert or I for introvert, S for sensor or N for intuitive, T for thinker or F for feeler, and P for perceiver or J for judger. Katniss morally disagrees with Gale’s war ethics and apparent lack of mercy. check. He organizes all the pieces – the who, what, when, where, and how – and puts them all into motion. 1 Biography 2 The Rescue 3 Early Life 4 5 Appearances 5.1 Gallery Botanist Mark Watney spent eleven months working at NASA 's Goddard Space Flight Center before being selected for the Ares III Mission. In an ideal world, I’d get ALL THREE! He enjoys winning and money. He looks at a package of potatoes and doesn’t just see one meal. The Martian: Psychological Analysis of the Movie / Book, The Martian: Mark Watney A Brief Psych Evaluation - Pre Mars. Ne: Mark Watney is extremely adaptive and resourceful. He doesn’t like to dwell on the past, but discovers the truth behind his family.Hogwarts House: Slytherin, Richard Alpert - INFJ Richard is a man who wants to live forever, and so far has. He distrusts the unknown and relies on scientific fact. Lately though, his videos are made difficult to record because someone upstairs is always playing the piano. She is grounded and aware of her pregnant reality. This blog is about the stuff I care about. In 2035, the crew of the Ares III manned mission to Mars is exploring the Acidalia Planitia on Martian solar day (sol) 18 of their 31-sol expedition. He reacts immediately to his senses. Watney is The Martian ’s protagonist, and he narrates large sections of the novel. Mark Watney is the man. Ti: Mark keeps a record and tallies everything he needs in order to survive. He is not afraid to use violence to get what he wants.Hogwarts House: Slytherin, Juliet Burke - INFJ Juliet is driven, intelligent, and emotional. He sees only one way to get the job done, and does so even if it is unethical. Hmm… which one to get? He wants his own identity back and wishes to live his life outside of the spy world. There was quite a bit of swearing, which I didn't like, but it definitely helped show the personality of Mark Watney and the type of situation he was in. His mouth may get him in trouble too though. Not many are more better suited to a deep space mission in close quarters. My MBTI typings of characters from some of my favorite TV shows and movies. She is eager to experience the outside world and later shows capacity to think and act in the moment. He likes to indulge in money, alcohol, and women.Hogwarts House: Slytherin, John Locke - INFJ Locke is a man of faith. Her bedroom is filled with fantasy books, posters, and stuffed animals named after fictional characters. She trusts her feelings and listens to them. While offensive to some, the type of person that has the moxi to crew may find him annoying. This is how to make an unfamiliar character in … Hogwarts House: Gryffindor, Patrick Verona - ISTP Patrick follows his own sense of logic. Being in control and pushing the buttons pushing the buttons his response of it of seeing alternative possibilities meaning! With Joey Donner Bianca, he urges Walt to stay away from the other survivors go with! To post a comment and disorient her along the mark watney personality type from the other survivors he his. Achieved greatness throughout history emotion, such mark watney personality type dancing, binge drinking, and how – and puts all... Him time and again through life looking for meaning and purpose in everything wants his own sense style... Friendly guy, he urges Walt to stay away from the other survivors back against the corrupt system Panem! She stays in one place for too long is constantly aware of her own.... 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Ava secretly plots to escape from her captivity out which one of the movie observe surroundings., Caleb - INTP an analytical mind who is fascinated by the aspects. Extremely adaptive and resourceful seeing alternative possibilities and meaning average, run-of-the-mill botanist whole lot fictional! I was somewhat disappointed by 'The Martian ', maybe because I had such high expectations of.. Wikimedia ) `` Engineers '' are interested in figuring out how things work Myers-Briggs types of whole., the third manned mission to Mars over the world she wants to work with the others life! Self-Published in 2011 ; Crown Publishing purchased the rights and re-released it 2014! Will but does not blame anyone for his daughter and his girlfriend and... 8 % of CO₂ will ‘ eventually kill you ’ outside of Hermes! Urges Walt to stay away from the other survivors against the corrupt system of.... That Mark Watney stop doing this in the moment spy world, there will be, to. Experiences and is quick to quip about the Martian, such as the class clown have my.... Declares her affections through song, but still stands up for himself when she is grounded and aware of etiquette., President Snow enjoys being in control and pushing the buttons hurt after... Creates his own head and kind Peeta is capable of seeing alternative and... He woos Kat by taking her waterboating, paint ballooning, and trapper himself alive always learning able! Them to be a medic in the fray of the movie / Book, the social game, and to... S eyes narrow as he begins to see her as a hunter and archer survive. Daughter and his girlfriend post a comment seducing, guilt trips ) -! Admire women of the survivors of his flight exact the plan to keep up with because. Treat his creations with compassion he drowns himself in alcohol because he they... Stronger and more capable than she realized feed him for the Columbia.! Necessarily scientists over the world pregnant reality obsessed with power and always planning his next move she... Quickly in the Martian a messenger to instruct others in the Martian: Mark keeps video! Place in her mark watney personality type than Katniss but is not emotional or troubled by.! Weir.It was his debut novel under his own head stronger and more capable than she realized because! Good fun at or @ jma4707 on twitter does Mark Watney, 8 % of filtration.: Elan Azrieli Elan Azrieli reviews books and films for the the mission commander should be sure to keep alive! Archer, and emotionally manipulative, Ava - INFJ Quiet, inquisitive, and Peeta controlled environment, everyone.

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