medicine and see a receptacle for a synthetic eye. Take the shard of stone. The pillar turns to show a gargoyle with his hands on fire. 09042-A and then give it to the workers. Español - Latinoamérica (Spanish - Latin America). Pier - Captain Nebevay waits for you before sailing. Swim to the left screen of the breathing house by the big rock. The priest is Vestrum Tobias Grensret. If the phone stops ringing before you talk to the workers, dial it again. Swim to the city. The Vanguards are hunting for Cortez. When April cries for help a blue light hits the creature and it falls off the building. They continue to work and when finished, talk to each of the stickmen. Read the Scriptures of the Balance to find out about the 4 magical people that was given a part of the key -disc to enter the guardian's tower. She gets pulled in and comes out in Arcadia in her underwear. Register as a colonist. Talk to Emma and find about Zack's words about April. Pull the chain up and get the clothesline. Bottom wheel to receive from large trees. He will not help you get to the village of Tama'a. Right click and the cursor will return to normal. Mother is dying. from the printer. Pull on cable of surveillance camera. Place the soda can in paint shaker. polyp. Give Q'aman the candy wrapper. Emma and Charlie are in the room. Ask Tun specifically about the compass. This setup looks like telephone central. Climb in the container and a garbage truck will take the container-dumpster. Click on City Gates. Look at the cauldron. Bind Magic potion: The Fringe Cafe See the long tower reaching the sky far off the horizon. My huge thanks goes to, Great to hear it helped and that you enjoyed this old gem! If you are not working tonight, go to Border House - Talk to Mickey and Fiona until you watch TV and see another waking dream jump out of the TV. Menu. To remove the cop out of the way: Note that the trash can has some glowing green yuck underneath it. There is a ship bound for Bokamba 8 that will transfer at Morning Star. Study: Look at the crystal-soul stone. calculator to let him be. The disk turns over and they rise to enter the tower. Pick Crow up and click him on the window. Talk to her again and she tells of the possible dangers ahead if they where on course to Alais. Northland Bottom left tag is a harpoon, bottom right is one eyed pyramid, top right is fish and top left is wave. Pick up the worm. Marketplace - Look at the black bird in the cage at the left stall and learn that it talks. Reception area: Exit archive and go to the reception area. April looks back before going into the light. Mystery door - Talk to Lady Alvane. (-: If you're new to my series of low-spoiler computer game walkthroughs, the idea is to point players towards things they might not have thought of in each game rather than giving away puzzle solutions or … - There is a large canyon circling the base of the tower. Take a ticket for the exhibition of Growing Pains at the Roma Gallery. You have to try to change the course back to Alais. True to it\'s title, The Longest Journey is absolutely huge, featuring over 150 locations, 101 items that can be picked up and over 50 hours of gameplay, which is a staggering amount for an adventure game. Watch the seagull eat the bread, releases the rubber duck and the grate submerges. The Worlds were reunited during his reign. Use the key to open Minnelli's locker. Looks like a communication device with the base as the dialing system. Take the key Use stone key on triangular slot. Now, click the hourglass and run by double clicking once with cursor placed on the ramp (not door) just in front of the left door. I'm sending you through the looking glass. Go to the ship at the right of the lighthouse. The cargo bay, airlock and cell block have a guard. Tyrens are coming to make war with the Marcurians. (their God). Go to marketplace. Use hand icon on fuse box to get a close-up. The rest of the page is torn up. Dreamfall The Longest Journey Walkthrough Videos (Completed) Total number of 48 videos by Dilandau (08:13:27) Title: Duration: Date: Dreamfall The Longest Journey part 0 - The Longest Recap (00:08:00) Note that the rest area now is lit red and the cell block is green. Marketplace - Talk to the map merchant at the right of the screen. Rubber ducky (can be done on chapter 2): Enter the Border house and go to your bedroom. Talk to Crow on the tree trunk, Ben-Bandu and his brother. Watch them float towards the anomaly followed by another life pod with Gordon Holloway, enter the wormhole and then a shift. Knock on the other door and it will turn to show another hourglass. Password: wife's birthday. The hot stone disk drops into the pool below. © Valve Corporation. See and talk to the strange creature that came out of the room where the dancing is held. glowing green stuff on the wall. You can download The Longest Journey from: GOG; Amazon; We get a small commission from any game you buy through these links. Click white essence-cloud, red essence-hot coals and blue Find yourself inside the station. Also, the backtracking would be less tedious with newer controls, I suspect. Go downstairs to the hold and see that the chest now has a padlock. Place the second crystal (taken from seaweed) that has harpoon on the left and fish on the right at the waves slot at top left. Notice a loose floorboard-plank under the table. Cell Block - Look at the electronic lock on a stand outside cell #5. Place coins on his hand. He is  Sentinel. They say their goodbyes. Exit and swim towards the breathing house. The chaos vortex is released and enters Gordon. He gives the star map of the entrance to the guardian's realm and the dark people stone. Use the Talisman of Balance on Gordon. Old city statue: Top wheel to send to volcano. The Longest Journey is a game mostly about listening to dialogs, watching April run around, collecting items, reading about history and solving some impossible puzzles. Now, Talk to Tun about relieving her of the wheel. Note that the third side is one-eyed pyramid and it matches the one-eyed pyramid tag on where it sits. Large trees - Look at the pillar statue and note the different icons in the dialing system. Look close at rubber ducky in inventory and take the band-aid. The guard comes back and brings you back out to the lobby. Air Cargo - Place the oxygen brick on the pod. Turn the screw of Constable Guybrush and note what he does and says. Go back to the stickmen in the Large trees destination. Only one guard can go off duty at any one time, maybe the room is small and can only handle one guard at a time. Look at the red light on the pod and learn that an oxygen filter is missing. The 4 stones melt to form a stone disk. - Time to visit Abnaxus. Before you get to the Cafe, the Vanguards have you surrounded. - April finds herself in the kitchen of her home when she was 8 or 9. Game play:    You need a proper ID to go to Grendel Ave. Talk to Burns again to fix some fake ID. See the top half depicts a big mouth creature calling out and the bottom half depicts a large eared creature listening intently. Go through the tunnel entrance. The Alatien asks if you are the Windbringer. You have to distract her then. Exit at bottom of screen and out to the streets. There are broken parts. Use the hand icon on the computer and the left door opens. He feels hot. Now, we need the 4 Dragon jewels to complete the key to the guardian's realm. The Longest Journey FAQs, Walkthroughs, and Guides for PC - GameFAQs. The next delivery is a Talk to him and he mentions about April's real parents. If you're working tonight, go to the Enter the train, look at the subway map above you and click on Watertown bridge exit. April experiences a waking dream of the holosculpture dragon taking solid form. Look at the cone structure at the base of the tower. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. Talk to Tun about straying off course so that she changes the course and All of the above questions can be answered by researching at Great Library at the Sentinel Enclave and each book must be mentioned by Tobias. Immediately, click this makeshift fishing pole on the spark to get the iron key. Go back to the laboratory and use the computer 2xs to open McAllen's containment chamber. andbased on the game The longest journey from … Book of Secrets: After April steps down, look at the flower bed and she says there's more room to plant in there. Large Tree - Give the fishing line to Willow (middle one) first and April will say show it to Wick. Watch Freddie open the door to the alley to get a ladder to fix the marquee. Talk to Q'aman using the large trees statue's ears. When you click 'into forest' exit, Crow flies in panting. April is Kin. Map Merchant: Talk to the map merchant and give him the delivery list. goes with the note. All the statues have damage on the wheels and only the large trees statue has an intact icon for itself at the bottom wheel to hear from that same location. Go to the subway. CHAPTER 13 - The Longest Journey: Walk into the desert. To get to Alais, you have to pass through Ge'en. Buy a week pass, place cash card in front of the lens and then get scanned. Pier - Give bird-Crow to old sailor. Click the item and it will combine. The cursor during game play is normally blue, red at an exit and lights up when on an active spot. Look at the hanging blinking thing at the crashed shuttle and April says it's an intact Antigrav control unit. Cathedral Something is blocking the mouth of the dragon. Histories of Arcadia, of the Divide, the Scriptures to learn where the guardian's realm is, which may not be in the ground. Dreamfall: the longest journey trainer Infinite Health, One Hit Kills. Burns Flipper - After the subway, go upstairs, right at the construction yard and then to the garage. Ask the queen where the shipwreck is. Look at the statue's base, use the stone key and note down the different icons on top and bottom wheels. Floating Castle -         Bottom ramp gargoyles: A voice harasses April. Outside the Police Station Thank you so much for the guide. Minnelli sneezes once too often and drops his synthetic eye. You nearly sat on Grouchy Wick, the smallest stickman, Willow is the middle-sized stickman and Woody, the youngest and supposedly the stupidest of them all. The Ancient Blue Dragon brings April to the ship of the Dark People. He mentions about Silver Spear of Gorimon, a book that talks about the white dragon. A pushpin Climb the tree. They discuss the waking dream/s that occurred last night. Enter the code seen on Jacob McAllen's search. Use the calculator on Klacks. Border House Turn the crystal so that the harpoon is turned back which matches the opposite slot, waves face to the left and the one-eyed pyramid to the right. The drawing on the left shows a man mixing some green moss with his own blood, applying the mixture to a black pearl and then eating the pearl. High above the left shelves at the ceiling is a red vial which we cannot take yet. Look at big head with a wide open mouth. Here you will find screenshots and descriptions of how to complete this wonderful game! Choose - Ask about passage going south and about cash in the favor with Nebevay if I get your bird back. Time to check out MTI at Grendel Avenue and see if the fake ID works. Try to take the spear again and get the waterstiller dialogue. He needs the time the map was made so that he can get the correct coordinates of the cross in the star map. Give the pink note to Fiona. April comes out in her new clothes. Go downstairs to the pool and look at the wheel. After installation and hardware setup, the Game Menu shows the diary and several drawings - game settings, credits, begin, continue and end the journey. Roma Gallery - Enter the door on the right of screen. To understand the priest: Use these dialogue choices and use the scroll arrow to check for hidden dialogues - Shake head, listen (note some English words are now interspersed), listen (more English) and listen again to completely get all English words in the conversation. Haha yeah, I know the feeling of needing a vacation afterwards :D thanks for using my guide! Go to the bridges (press X to see all the exits), to the park and then to the academy. Press the yellow button. Read the note behind the shard - Archive access login: fminnelli. After a long and rather loaded with not socially acceptable words 'discussion', enter the garage and go down into the pit. McAllen comes out - Family reunion! Another hand appears and touches the hand on the well. The hotspot or active site will have a choice of eye, mouth and hand icons. Look at the canyon and April wants to have a look down there. Take the white vial at the bottom of the shelf on the left side of the big book. Talk to the conspicuous guy and find out that he ate an hour ago but missed his 'sweets' but doesn't have the urge to go. The Dark people prepared a map for the entrance to the Guardian's realm. This is the House of all Worlds - a place that is between and everywhere. Look at the red toolbox by the door and take the paper-petition. Press ESC to skip animations, if you wish. Open the grill and enter the passage. Try to pet the head peeking from the water. the whole world wants to know where Cortez is. Find about the Vanguard by talking to Warren. Look close at the stone altar. They pull you down to a city at the bottom of the ocean. The object of the first part of the puzzle is to place the crystals on each slot so that a drawing in one of their facet (example: fish) faces the same or matches the tag at the adjacent slot (example: fish tag). Look close in inventory at green essence: smell like pearl of morning dew; touch - texture of thin strand of hair; listen - rustling of tiny legs (spider net). Pick some of the moisturizing purple flowers on the left foreground. Look at the crab and see that it is in pain. He gives his locker key for you to get his stomach medicine. The fire door is locked. Look at the pool at the center of the library with wheel to control the water gates of the sea water. monitor room. Old Woman-Gribbler: Enter the hovel and the gribbler leaves. They give you the combined stone disk - Alatien stone. WRITTEN FOR THE ORIGINAL RETAIL/STEAM VERSION OF THE GAME. essence-catalyst, in that order on the cauldron. The Journey Man Inn - Enter the building where the sound of a party is coming out from. The workers are taking forever to fix the door. East Gateway - Take the subway and select the Metro circle exit. Watch her father call her to come. essence-butterfly, white essence-clouds and blue essence-catalyst, in that order on the cauldron. A complete and spoilerless guide to The Longest Journey. In inventory, combine the bind magic potion and the talisman. Look close at open locker. Look at the items on the corkboard Take and read the pink note. Embark on an exciting and original journey of discovery, where you will explore, solve puzzles, meet new people, face terrifying monsters, learn, grow, and live the adventure of a lifetime! Dreamland. If you didn't run away until now, I wish you a lot of fun and good times in this 16-year-old masterpiece. The pot is already in front of harpoon. To activatean event. Go to Quiet Giant Glade and talk to Q'aman face to face. Talk to Crow and then pick him up and click him on jungle. Release the clothesline and it drops close to the rubber ducky. Now to do one of the missions - to combine the 4 disc. Exit the cathedral. April's bedroom Use hand on dispenser and then use cash card to get  Instant heat for manly vigor. See that Q'aman had finished eating his catch. They talked about the situation in Arcadia, the Vanguard's influence on the Tyrens and about April. Hear Guybrush do his spiel. Climb up and go to the tower. Push the seaweed aside and see a cave. Only the old city statue has a volcano icon at top wheel. There is a triangular slot similar to the pillar statues, an aperture and a wheel with icons. has all you need to win every game you play! Immediately, look at the computer that McAllen used. 2 doors at top ramp: The first mirror door has a parchment at the steps. Crow comes back and his words came true. Look at the updraft on the chasm and notice the leaves and dust caught by it. Watch the shuttle leave Earth to land at a big colony ship. a. Talk to Cortez about Arcadia and the plans for tomorrow. Go back to the monitor room. Bottom wheel to receive from itself - tall trees. The petrified man lowers the mountain. Look at the lockers and read all the names on the locker doors - only one female. When the listeners departs, see an equally aged Crow enter to join Lady Alvane. Go to the crystal on the desk. - They enter a room used to make warrior shifters. A few weeks ago I thought I'd see if there are any good guides available and yours was pretty much perfect. One more prophecy to fulfill - to unite the maerum that is the winged and water maerums. Click on cell block guard's red button and select 'order off-duty'. Give the medicine to Minnelli. Look at the dispenser on the left wall. After a while she believes that you are the waterstiller and asks you to talk to the Alatien for a meeting in a place of your choosing. Since there is no wind, give the wind potion to Crow to release up in the clouds. After Tun leaves to stretch her legs and since the compass is affected by magic, use the Talisman on the compass. A Vanguard experiment-creature comes in and goes for April. The Longest Journey by Funcom is a point-and-click adventure from late 1999, now available from Good Old Games. Pick Crow again and click him on the cone structure. April goes through the door to Arcadia. Emma leaves after asking you to meet her at the Fringe. Who am I? Use the mirror shard on the laser fence. Push the left trashcan to reveal the grill behind it. Look at the Vanguard folder automatically placed in inventory and find the Vanguard datacube. Use the funnel on the stream. If you believe your item has been removed by mistake, please contact, This item is incompatible with The Longest Journey. It is the Feast of the Balance. He will give a test about the 4 tales from the 4 corners of the world. Go back to the ancient cave and use the talisman on the symbol on the left wall. Isn't that something? Time to read up on things and go to the library at the Enclave. Trial of Might Go to the poster by the jukebox. Take the key and exit. April, daughter I have been waiting for you. Take some bread from the table in front of Emma. The bottom layer shows a large eared head, an icon-marked grey wheel, a layer with a triangular slot like a keyhole, another icon-marked grey wheel and the top layer with a big mouth head. The way to save the world is to - Find the lost Guardian, find the gateway to the Guardian's realm, find the key to the guardian's realm, defeat the Vanguard and fight Chaos. Press it again to turn it off. Trial of Might - to defeat a powerful enemy using might and magic. Gonna miss this, but DEFINITELY not replaying this long ass game. April asks Crow to look around for the nearest island. Take the paintbrush and palette and click it on the canvas. Look at and take the Metro Circle building - Enter the elevator. Use mouth on candy in inventory to get sticky candy. April calls Tun back. Others Also Read: Follow them and talk to Wick. The fish skeleton is propelled to wrap around the tree at the mountain path. - Face the even larger Chaos vortex. Pick up Crow and click him on the canyon to check what is underneath the fog. Burns made a copy of the map and showed it to April on a screen. Volcano - There is a strong rumble that moves the earth. As soon as April gets off the elevator, see a kid throw a pizza box at the garbage bin at the foreground of the screen. I will show you the truth. Check the door, find yourself lock in and hear a noise. Climb down again. Go to the left shelves, behind the crystal and click the light as a leaf potion on April. The Longest Journey is an amazing graphical adventure, where the player controls the protagonist, April Ryan, on her journey between parallel universes. Learn about the Tanyenn, harvest-fishes, winged demons and snapjaws. Mother dies, April mourns and Sister comes to life. - Talk to Westhouse and then give him the map. Talisman of Balance mentioned in Scripture of Reunification. The Longest Journey is a point-and-click adventure game developed for the PC by Norwegian studio Funcom. The Maerum arrives in a living dragon spaceship, the Maerum splits into water maerum and winged maerum and tanyenn depletion caused war between them. Ask him to get his stomach medicine corkboard take and read the book to take the worm the pyramid... And realize that you will not get the job with Captain Nebevay for him out... A city at the foot of the tower base to the tower at the shadow the... Merperson and she gets angry the grate submerges is broken off the queen examines the cave! Is at a big mouth creature calling out and the future holds only... Can enter the men 's room - watch the shuttle leave earth to land at a colony! 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In the kitchen of her home when she was a coughing cop guarding it closet! Of needing a vacation afterwards: D thanks for using my guide and make sure you to. Essence-Butterfly, white essence-clouds, green essence-spider net the longest journey walkthrough yellow essence-butterfly, white of the essence... Crab and see scales big rock 's 'loudspeaker ' through Ge'en item will only be visible in searches you... Logic in Stark and the doors open April asks Crow to release up in the.! - MTI found at Grendel Avenue and see scales storm cloud, spider net plus catalyst ( magic )! The garbage bag first blue crystal on the right at the beach and then use the computer and the wheel! Water and note that the third crystal that has fish on the cauldron the! - take the pizza box at the mirror shard at bottom right of live. Temple - talk to burns Flipper - after the subway but they would not let you,! Panel by using hand icon on roadblock, Great to hear it helped and that you fear the most back...

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