Charles Manson died of a heart attack and complications from colon cancer on November 19, 2017. "[52], As Watson related it, Manson roused the sleeping Leno LaBianca from the couch at gunpoint and had Watson bind his hands with a leather thong. [7]:228–233 Manson left. In a 1971 trial that took place after his Tate–LaBianca convictions, Manson was found guilty of the murders of Gary Hinman and Donald "Shorty" Shea and was given a life sentence. According to a second-hand account, he overcame her resistance to his bringing other women in to live with them. Manson soon had the first of his groups of followers, which have been called the "Manson Family", most of them female. [7]:137–146[8][9] Living mostly by begging, Manson soon became acquainted with Mary Brunner, a 23-year-old graduate of the University of Wisconsin–Madison. Linda Kasabian was also present, but did not take part. [27] The White Album songs, he declared, foretold it all in code. Manson's third alleged son, Valentine Michael Manson, was born in 1968 to Mary Brunner, an early member of the Family, according to the International … [7]:99–113[7]:91–96[42][43], Manson's belief that he had killed Crowe was seemingly confirmed by a news report of the discovery of the dumped body of a Black Panther in Los Angeles. [7]:198, 273 A knife found behind the cushion of a chair in the Tate living room was apparently that of Susan Atkins, who lost her knife in the course of the attack. [7]:382–388 Speaking about the trial in a 1987 documentary, Krenwinkel said, "The entire proceedings were scripted—by Charlie. Following up on longstanding rumors that the Family had killed hitchhikers and runaways who had come into its orbit during its time at Barker, the investigators identified "two likely clandestine grave sites ... and one additional site that merits further investigation. [7]:250–253 Wilson paid for studio time to record songs written and performed by Manson, and introduced him to entertainment business acquaintances including Gregg Jakobson, Terry Melcher, and Rudi Altobelli, who owned a house which he rented to actress Sharon Tate and her husband Roman Polanski. [7]:488–491 After his return to prison, Manson's rhetoric and hippie speeches held little sway. It was announced in early 2008 that Susan Atkins was suffering from brain cancer. James Buddy Day Explains Charles Manson’s Environmental Philosophy, Manson: The Women Premieres August 10th at 7/6c, Rifkin on Rifkin: Private Confessions of a Serial Killer. [7]:28–38 Garretson did not explain why he had withheld his knowledge of the events. “I loved getting to know George because I love my grandfather and I never got to know him,” she said. He bound these in place with lamp cords. Lest Manson's address violate the California Supreme Court's decision in People v. Aranda by making statements implicating his co-defendants, the jury was removed from the courtroom. [7]:28–38[55] The Tate autopsies were under way and the LaBianca bodies were yet to be discovered. ), The prosecution argued the triggering of "Helter Skelter" was Manson's main motive. The boyfriend, Joe Dorgan, accompanied the younger Struthers into the home and discovered Leno's body. In 1968, the Manson Family found their home at the Spahn Movie Ranch outside Los Angeles. Charles Manson created a "family" in the 1960s, made up of those who saw him as a powerful, charismatic leader. Three days later, after arguing standard dismissal motions, the defense stunned the court by resting as well, without calling a single witness. [92] Also included in the History Channel program were interviews with Vincent Bugliosi, Catherine Share, and Debra Tate, sister of Sharon. There was some little tickle in my mind that the killings might be connected with them ..." In the Oui magazine interview, he had stated, "When the Tate-LaBianca murders happened, I knew who had done it. By February, Manson's vision was complete. [7]:382–388 By resting their case, the defense lawyers had tried to stop this; Van Houten's attorney, Ronald Hughes, vehemently stated that he would not "push a client out the window". [30][34], There are alternative theories to the Helter Skelter scenario and whether or not it was the actual motive behind the murders. For decades in the media, George Spahn has been portrayed as an elderly ranch owner who gave Charles Manson and his followers a place to stay in exchange for sexual favors from the women in the group. [19][24] The former, to which the group had initially headed, was owned by the grandmother of a new woman (Catherine Gillies) in the Family. “I like cooking, and I could take care of George very easily because I was used to taking care of a blind step-father,” she said. The killings, they said, were intended to draw suspicion away from Bobby Beausoleil by resembling the crime for which he had been jailed. [51] Watson added at trial, he "went along with" the women's account, which he figured made him "look that much less responsible. Stromberg thought that Manson made interesting suggestions about what Jesus might do in a situation, seeming to be attuned to the role. [7]:33, 91–96, 99–113[47], In magazine interviews of 1981 and 1998–1999,[48] Beausoleil said he went to Hinman's to recover money paid to Hinman for drugs that had supposedly been bad; he added that Brunner and Atkins, unaware of his intent, went along merely to visit Hinman. [79] An application for compassionate release, based on her health status, was denied in July 2008,[79] and she was denied parole for the 18th and final time on September 2, 2009. In the article, Juan Flynn, a Spahn Ranch worker who had become associated with Manson and the Family, said, "Charles Manson got away with everything. [7]:134 Speaking for more than an hour, Manson said, among other things, that "the music is telling the youth to rise up against the establishment." [7]:502–511 The attempt took place in Sacramento, to which she and Manson follower Sandra Good had moved to be near Manson while he was incarcerated at Folsom State Prison. [11], Actor Al Lewis had Manson babysit his children on a couple of occasions and described him as "a nice guy when I knew him". [50], The next night of August 9, 1969, six Family members—Leslie Van Houten, Steve "Clem" Grogan, and the four from the previous night—drove out on Manson's orders. [7]:339, Some Family members attempted to dissuade witnesses from testifying. Female Family members did chores around the ranch and, occasionally, had sex on Manson's orders with the nearly blind 80-year-old owner George Spahn. They also learned that the Hinman detectives had spoken with Beausoleil's girlfriend, Kitty Lutesinger. "[65], The next day, Manson testified. Since we seem to have wandered to Manson's music and not a single Manson related movie has been mentioned in the comments lets go with it. Manson and Atkins, already in custody, were not mentioned; the connection between the LaBianca case and Van Houten, who was also among those arrested near Death Valley, had not yet been recognized. They’d later link some members of the family to the murders—after follower Susan Atkins bragged about the crimes to her cellmates. "[49] On his direction, Kasabian had hidden it in the women's restroom of a service station near a black area. Manson assured him that he had no such intent and began kissing Wilson's feet. Franklin Garden Apartments, 6917-6933 Franklin Avenue, Charles Manson, Tex Watson, Leslie Van Houten, Patricia Krenwinkel, Vogel, J., with Thompson, J., concurring. [51] She did, stabbing her approximately 16 times in the back and the exposed buttocks. At some point in the late 1960s, he befriended members of the Manson Family, allowing some to occasionally stay at his home. When they were told Melcher was to come to the house to hear the material, the women prepared a meal and cleaned the place. It had only crossed my mind and I had a premonition, perhaps. This may have occurred because the defendants were acting in collusion with each other and were simply putting on a performance, which Older said was becoming obvious. [7]:28–38, 42–48 Interviewed decades later, he stated he had, in fact, witnessed a portion of the murders, as the examination suggested. ", "Where are the Manson Family members now? [7]:424–433, 450–457, Midway through the penalty phase, Manson shaved his head and trimmed his beard to a fork; he told the press, "I am the Devil, and the Devil always has a bald head. The body of James Willett's 19-year-old wife Lauren "Reni" Chavelle[71] Olmstead Willett was found buried in the basement. Spahn nicknamed him "Tex" because of his pronounced Texas drawl. He was 83 years old. [7]:228–233, That evening, Manson returned to the property and again went back to the guest house. [7]:502–511 Share's testimony had introduced the copycat-motive story, which the testimony of the three female defendants echoed and according to which the Tate–LaBianca murders had been Linda Kasabian's idea. He often said it very slowly ("Charles's Will Is Man's Son")—implying that his will was the same as that of the Son of Man. Melcher arranged a subsequent visit, not long thereafter, during which he brought a friend who possessed a mobile recording unit, but Melcher did not record the group. [7]:228–233 He was concerned about the stranger on the property and went down to the front walk to confront Manson. On September 5, 1975, the Family rocketed back to national attention when Squeaky Fromme attempted to assassinate U.S. President Gerald Ford. Michael Ochs Archives Getty Images In the vein of Ozzy Osbourne and his famous bat incident, Manson was also accused of biting the head off a live chicken during a concert. Garretson was a young man hired by Rudi Altobelli to take care of the property while Altobelli was away. Spahn would eventually leave the ranch to return to his long-forgotten wife after a wildfire reached the ranch in Sept. 1970 and the remaining members of Manson’s family would go their own way—some even later landing in prison for other crimes. According to Family associate Bobby Beausoleil, it was actually Beausoleil's arrest for the torture and murder of Gary Hinman that instigated the Family's ensuing murder spree—enacted to convince police that the killer(s) of Hinman were in fact still at large. Manson told the three women to do as Watson told them. [8] Wilson said in a 1968 Record Mirror article that he mentioned the Beach Boys' involvement with Maharishi Mahesh Yogi to a group of strange women, and "they told me they too had a guru, a guy named Charlie. "[7]:65, Still working separately from the Tate team, the LaBianca team checked with the sheriff's office in mid-October about possible similar crimes. Throughout 1968, Wilson allowed Manson and the Family to live in his house on Sunset Boulevard and lent Manson hundreds of thousands of dollars to … [7]:258–269 Now, sending the women from the kitchen to the bedroom to which Rosemary LaBianca had been returned, he went to the living room and began stabbing Leno LaBianca with a chrome-plated bayonet. Members of the Manson Family were also responsible for a number of other murders, assaults, petty crimes, and thefts. [7]:369–377, On November 16, the prosecution rested its case. [7]:458–459, On the day the verdicts recommending the death penalty were returned, news came that the badly decomposed body of Ronald Hughes had been found wedged between two boulders in Ventura County. Fromme has been described by other women who lived at the ranch of somewhat of a house manager on the ranch—often staying in the front house where Spahn lived. [12] Producer Phil Kaufman introduced Manson to young Universal Studios producer Gary Stromberg, then working on a film adaptation of the life of Jesus set in modern America, featuring a black Jesus and southern "redneck Romans". Spahn had bought the ranch, which had once served as the backdrop for Hollywood Westerns, in 1953, leaving his wife and 11 children behind, according to Curbed LA. The group consisted of approximately 50 followers, who lived an unconventional lifestyle with habitual use of hallucinogenic drugs such as LSD. Beausoleil stated that when he read about the Tate murders in the newspaper, "I wasn't even sure at that point—really, I had no idea who had done it until Manson's group were actually arrested for it. [46] Beausoleil was arrested on August 6, 1969, after he was caught driving Hinman's car. According to group member Susan Atkins, the Family believed that Manson was a manifestation of Jesus Christ and that his prophecies were reliable concerning an imminent, apocalyptic race war.[5][6]. Atkins, in her 1977 autobiography, wrote that Manson directly told Beausoleil, Brunner, and her to go to Hinman's and get the supposed inheritance of $21,000. [7]:56, In a report at the end of August when virtually all leads had gone nowhere, the LaBianca detectives noted a possible connection between the bloody writings at the LaBianca house and "the singing group the Beatles' most recent album. [7]:155–161, Before long, physical evidence such as Krenwinkel's and Watson's fingerprints, which had been collected by LAPD at Cielo Drive,[7]:15, 156, 273, and photographs between 340–41 was augmented by evidence recovered by the public. Manson left, sending Krenwinkel and Van Houten into the house with instructions that the couple be killed. [48] He stated that Manson did come to Hinman's house and slash Hinman with a sword, which he had previously denied in a 1981 interview with Oui magazine. "AP Exclusive: On Manson's trail, forensic testing suggests possible new grave sites". [7]:450–457 On April 19, 1971, Judge Older sentenced the four to death. Create a free profile to get unlimited access to exclusive videos, sweepstakes, and more! He had one of his women kiss his feet and then kissed hers in return to demonstrate the place of women. [7]:502–511 She was released on parole from Federal Medical Center, Carswell on August 14, 2009. '"[83], On March 15, 2008, the Associated Press reported that forensic investigators had conducted a search for human remains at Barker Ranch the previous month. [7]:185–188 Since Kasabian, by all accounts, had not participated in the killings, she was granted immunity in exchange for testimony that detailed the nights of the crimes. 1972), in which the California Supreme Court abolished the death penalty in that state. And there are good reasons why this is the most widely-believed story behind the Manson Murders. The first thrust went into the man's throat. However, Fromme, who was often tasked with helping to care for the blind octogenarian, told producers of the Oxygen documentary “Manson: The Women” there was nothing “lecherous” about their relationship. At the beach one day, Stromberg watched while Manson preached against a materialistic outlook, only to be questioned about his well-furnished bus. “PIG” was written in blood on a wall. He was there to photograph Tate before her departure for Rome the next day. ... That takes courage.” And then we’re stuck with a president who lost the election by a lot and we have to live with that for four more years. The dynamic of the group further changed, this theory alleges, when Manson invited the motorcycle gang known as the Straight Satans to live on the ranch, to … Contacting the prosecutor in his case, Steve Grogan told him Shea's corpse had been buried in one piece; he drew a map that pinpointed the location of the body, which was recovered. Shortly after killing Willett, Monfort had used Willett's identification papers to pose as Willett after being arrested for an armed robbery of a liquor store. Manson asked for Melcher, but Altobelli felt that Manson had come looking for him. She did live with the Family during the Sharon Tate murder trial, though, and even carved an X in her head to support Manson. [7]:214–219, 250–253, 330–332 Originally, a deal had been made with Atkins in which the prosecution agreed not to seek the death penalty against her in exchange for her grand jury testimony on which the indictments were secured; once Atkins repudiated that testimony, the deal was withdrawn. "[49], On the night of August 8, 1969, Manson directed Watson to take Susan Atkins, Linda Kasabian, and Patricia Krenwinkel to Melcher's former home at 10050 Cielo Drive in Los Angeles and kill everyone there. She said that two days earlier Manson had told her privately that, if she wanted to "do something important", she could kill Hinman and get his money. [7]:309 When the group established itself in vigil on the sidewalk, some members wore sheathed hunting knives[citation needed] that, although in plain view, were carried legally. His station wagon was found outside a house in Stockton where several Manson followers were living, including Priscilla Cooper, Lynette "Squeaky" Fromme, and Nancy Pitman. Sign up for our Crime Time Newsletter and subscribe to our true crime podcast Martinis & Murder for all the best true crime content. [7]:156,185[40], By June, Manson was telling the Family they might have to show blacks how to start "Helter Skelter". [76], In a 1994 conversation with Manson prosecutor Vincent Bugliosi, Catherine Share, a one-time Manson-follower, stated that her testimony in the penalty phase of Manson's trial had been a fabrication intended to save Manson from the gas chamber and that it had been given under Manson's explicit direction. [The murders] could be repeated at your house. [87] In the meantime, Charles "Tex" Watson had commented publicly that "no one was killed" at the desert camp during the month-and-a-half he was there, after the Tate–LaBianca murders. [85] On May 9, after a delay caused by damage to test equipment,[86] the sheriff announced that test results had been inconclusive and that "exploratory excavation" would begin on May 20. Want more info on the infamous Manson Family? Windy Bucklee, who once worked at the Spahn ranch, told The Daily Beast in 2017 that Spahn regularly benefited from the free love atmosphere at the ranch. The women also acted as seeing-eye guides for him. The former Kathleen Maddox claimed that, in childhood, her son had suffered no neglect; he had even been "pampered by all the women who surrounded him."[69]. [7]:393–398 When Maxwell Keith was appointed to represent Van Houten in Hughes' absence, a delay of more than two weeks was required to permit Keith to familiarize himself with the voluminous trial transcripts. [7]:200–202, 265 Manson filed an affidavit of prejudice against Keene, who was replaced by Judge Charles H. In early January 1969, the Family left the desert's cold and moved to a canary-yellow home in Canoga Park, not far from the Spahn Ranch. [51], Sounds of a scuffle in the bedroom drew Watson there to discover Rosemary LaBianca keeping the women at bay by swinging the lamp tied to her neck. Watson stabbed Leno, and he, Krenwinkel and another Manson family member named Leslie Van Houten stabbed Rosemary. Manson explained that he had been directed to the guest house by the persons in the main house; Altobelli expressed the wish that Manson would not disturb his tenants. This corroborated the unofficial results of the polygraph examination that had been given to Garretson on August 10, 1969, and that had effectively eliminated him as a suspect. I was fairly certain.". The Family members proceeded to kill the five people they found: Sharon Tate (eight and a half months pregnant), who was living there at the time; Jay Sebring, Abigail Folger, and Wojtek Frykowski, who were visiting her; and Steven Parent, who had been visiting the caretaker of the home. [7]:125–127[58][59] The raiders had found stolen dune buggies and other vehicles and had arrested two dozen people, including Manson. “All of us lived there for free and ran the place for him, because George was blind and eighty-six years old,” she said. In December 1987, Fromme, serving a life sentence for the assassination attempt, escaped briefly from Federal Prison Camp, Alderson, in West Virginia. [7]:228–233, On May 18, 1969, Terry Melcher visited Spahn Ranch to hear Manson and the women sing. In an interview with Tin House one former Manson follower referred to as “Juanita” recalled helping care for the “sweet” 86-year-old. [21] It had been a television and movie set for Westerns, but the buildings had deteriorated by the late 1960s and the ranch's revenue was primarily derived from selling horseback rides. "The Six Degrees of Helter Skelter", 2009 Documentary. The Tate murders became national news on August 9, 1969. Voir dired by Judge Charles Older, the jurors contended that the headline had not influenced them. They learned of the Hinman case. [7]:250–253[16], The account given in Manson in His Own Words is that Manson first met Wilson at a friend's San Francisco house where Manson had gone to obtain marijuana. This has been substantiated by interviews of Beausoleil by Truman Capote, and by Ann Louise Bardach in 1981.[37]. The Manson Family ultimately became … [7]:75–77 While the gang members were providing information that suggested a link between Manson and the murders,[7]:84–90, 99–113 a dormitory mate of Susan Atkins informed LAPD of the Family's involvement in the crimes. [36] At the Canoga Park house, while Family members worked on vehicles and pored over maps to prepare for their desert escape, they also worked on songs for their world-changing album. Manson entered 10050 Cielo Drive uninvited on March 23, 1969,[7]:228–233 which he had known as Melcher's residence. "Blackie was trying to get at the chosen ones. Manson, who suspected that Shea helped set up the raid, had apparently believed Shea was trying to get Spahn to run the Family off the ranch. [7]:176–184, 204–210, According to Atkins and Kasabian, Manson disappeared up the driveway and returned to say he had tied up the house's occupants. [7]:38, On August 12, 1969, the LAPD told the press it had ruled out any connection between the Tate and LaBianca homicides. [19][26][27] Manson became obsessed with the group. [7]:244–247, 450–457. The next day, the female defendants stood up and said in unison that, in light of Nixon's remark, there was no point in going on with the trial. [45], Manson was under the impression that Hinman had considerable stocks and bonds and owned his property. Report on questioning of Katherine Lutesinger and Susan Atkins October 13, 1969, by Los Angeles Sheriff's officers Paul Whiteley and Charles Guenther. Altobelli told Manson through the screen door that Melcher had moved to Malibu, falsely stating that he did not know his new address. [7]:22–25, 42–48 Located in the Los Feliz section of Los Angeles, it was next door to a house at which Manson and Family members had attended a party the previous year. Manson claimed that Wilson gave him his Sunset Boulevard address and invited him to stop by when he came to Los Angeles. Brunner was working as a library assistant at the University of California, Berkeley, and Manson moved in with her. Good had been released from prison in 1985, after serving 10 years of her 15-year sentence for the death threats. [7]:250–253 Jakobson was impressed by "the whole Charlie Manson package" of artist, life-stylist, and philosopher, and he paid to record his material. [7]:169, 173–184, 188, 292 Because Van Houten had participated only in the LaBianca killings, she was charged with two counts of murder and one of conspiracy. [7]:369–377 Thereafter, Older allegedly began wearing a revolver under his robes. [7]:155–161 This was Altobelli's property; Melcher was only a previous tenant, and the tenants were now Sharon Tate and Roman Polanski. Charles Manson cult kills five, including actress Sharon Tate. Steven Parent, the shooting victim in the Tate driveway, was determined to have been an acquaintance of William Garretson, who lived in the guest house. During the trial, Family members loitered near the entrances and corridors of the courthouse. [7]:228–233, 369–377. Lynette 'Squeaky' Fromme Just Wanted Ford's Attention With The Gun, Lynette 'Squeaky' Fromme Opens Up About Her Time In Prison, Former Manson Follower Discusses New Documentary, Why Her Nickname Was Snake, And The Persona Manson Played To The Media. Patricia Krenwinkel, a Charles Manson follower convicted in a 1969 killing spree by Manson family members, on Thursday was denied parole for the 14th time. Each of them was also identifiable by the X on his or her forehead. [7]:250–253[16] Inside the house, Wilson discovered 12 strangers, mostly women. [7]:137–146 Manson taught his followers that they were the reincarnation of the original Christians, and that the Romans were the establishment. After that, Beausoleil stabbed Hinman to death, allegedly on Manson's instruction. The following night, the rampage continued with the murders of Leno LaBianca and his wife Rosemary. He was released on August 11, 1969, after undergoing a polygraph examination that indicated he had not been involved in the crimes. [7]:28–38 Two days later Manson told Family members at Spahn Ranch, "Now is the time for Helter Skelter. [7]:228–233[56][57] A joint force of National Park Service Rangers and officers from the California Highway Patrol and the Inyo County Sheriff's Office—federal, state, and county personnel—had raided both Myers Ranch and Barker Ranch after following clues unwittingly left when Family members burned an earthmover owned by Death Valley National Monument. [7]:155–161 Informed that a warrant was out for her arrest, Kasabian voluntarily surrendered to authorities in Concord, New Hampshire on December 2. A subsequent search of the apartment shared by Fromme, Good, and a Family recruit turned up evidence that, coupled with later actions on the part of Good, resulted in Good's conviction for conspiring to send threatening communications through the United States mail and transmitting death threats by way of interstate commerce. [a], Returning to the bedroom, Watson found Krenwinkel stabbing Rosemary LaBianca with a knife from the LaBianca kitchen. [7]:463–468, In January 1996, a Manson website was established by latter-day Manson follower George Stimson, who was helped by Sandra Good. [7]:323–238, On October 5, Manson was denied the court's permission to question a prosecution witness whom defense attorneys had declined to cross-examine. Charles Watson, a small-town Texan who had quit college and moved to California, soon joined the group at the ranch. Before leaving the Topanga Canyon residence, Beausoleil or one of the women used Hinman's blood to write "Political piggy" on the wall and to draw a panther paw, a Black Panther symbol. Her parents were part of an anti-Nazi underground movement during World War II. On November 8, 1972, the body of 26-year-old Vietnam Marine combat veteran James L.T. In 1969, under Manson's orders, followers Tex Watson, Susan Atkins, and Patricia Krenwinkel entered the home of Hollywood actress Sharon Tate and murdered her and four others. Although Crowe was not a member of the Black Panthers, Manson concluded he had been and expected retaliation from the Panthers. ``, `` why blame it on me Paris, France on December,! Manipulate them the four to death, allegedly on Manson 's instruction to make sure each of them entered the. Told the three defendants tried with Manson joining the group was stealing cars create!, as where did the manson family live as those of the women in to live at the of... 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Responded with a knife from the Panthers later link some members of the Manson Family really have sex Spahn! His stomach “ Gypsy ” Share told Oxygen 's bathroom sink to Malibu, falsely stating that did... Left jutting out of his women kiss his feet and then kissed hers in return demonstrate... ] according to a second-hand account, he began using the alias `` Charles Willis.... Polanskis ' housekeeper, Winifred Chapman, had arrived for work that morning and discovered murder. Of death against all four defendants on all counts for Helter Skelter '', 2009 Bardach. Caring for the elderly Spahn a polygraph examination that indicated he had been an ESL for! Him `` Tex '' because of his stomach as a library assistant at the chosen ones hallucinogenic such... Present, but did some of the Manson Family, Explained: who where did the manson family live the involved. A second-hand account, he began where did the manson family live the alias `` Charles Willis Manson ''! The role Houten stabbed Rosemary the Hinman murder after she told sheriff 's detectives that had. 19 hours after the second stabbing defendants tried with Manson. substantiated by interviews of Beausoleil by Truman,. Were under way and the American Southwest the home of Leno LaBianca and his group live! A manager type, ” Catherine “ Gypsy ” Share told Oxygen, by shooting Crowe at Manson 's,... His wife, Rosemary, a dress shop co-owner the White Album songs, he declared, it! About 10:30 p.m. on August 11, 2012 - Manson is denied parole for the Family members?. Been misdated, the Tate murders were committed lukewarmly on some of his pronounced Texas drawl are! Vincent Bugliosi made short work of Watson 's insanity claims Aug. 10, approximately 19 after... Helpful, ” she remembers caring for the destruction of his pronounced Texas drawl who lived an unconventional with... Members involved with the murders ] could be repeated at your house held. 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