They tortured the wrong person . The conflict on whether to torture a man who cannot recall what he did, is also about whether to torture a man at all. When he sees that the Landrys are torturing his fellow inmate, he tries to flee the scene unnoticed but is not completely successful. On Nov 22, 2019, we, a group of more than 60 medical doctors, wrote to the UK Home Secretary to express our serious concerns about the physical and mental health of Julian Assange.1In our letter,1 we documented a history of denial of access to health care and prolonged psychological torture. Kill 25 Orcs in Waukeen Way (25). Craig is a doctor, while Elise is a real estate agent. You were never in this movies production. She’s being tortured by Andrei (Pasha D. Lychnikoff). And so, even though he manages to escape, Galligan commits suicide. He then ultimately commits suicide on the grounds that he deserves to die. The Landrys never come to know this, but their victim is white-collar criminal Patrick Galligan (Bill Lippincott), who has been sentenced to 18 months in prison for tax evasion. I was getting so confused with all the other comments! There is absolutely NO DOUBT that they tortured the WRONG guy. She just needed to take it out on somebody. During the torture, there are times when one of the Landrys is feeling uncomfortable and even ashamed about what they are doing, but the other person is right there to offer an appropriate justification. The news had been covering the escape the entire time, but since the couple was preoccupied and isolated in the cabin with the "tax guy", they didn't see the news. This was obviously shot before they captured the real Koslowski. I know what Bill Mosley looks like, and that was not him! The tortured man decides to end his life because he is tired of the torture. That is an absolute fact. Since Kozslowski was a serial murderer, I'm pretty sure it would have been a terrible idea not to warn people that he had escaped. How could they have missed another guy being loaded in the van? No bloodied head. Why dont you watch the movie first before you start commenting .. asshole, yall some rude motherfuckers commenting in these chats. Why? For years he would break up with her and get back together with her and break up with her again,” one of Tinsley’s friends told Page Six on March 18. If they did NOT torture the wrong guy, then why even have a "Patrick Galligan" to begin with? And yes, the "justice" system is a big fuck you to Americans. The original person who wrote this did pretty good. Apparently so did the critiques phone ! The only thing they screwed up on was when she knocked him out from in the bathroom he didn't have the note in his hand but had already written it. That was SO obvious...without any subtlety...of an explanation to follow. So it wasn't the greatest film ive seen but the ending does seem to cause allot of confusion and speculation in fact the minute the movie ended i … That was WAY before they kidnapped the guy. So no one is any wiser, no lesson learned, no shock to the parents about the wrongfull torture, no "realizing-how-horrific-man-can-be-to-another-man" - just satisfaction from to vengeage. No sportsmen have practiced such systematic cruelty to horses for the sake of a blue ribbon as is being perpetrated today. Trapped with loneliness and torrential grief, Craig briefly considers suicide. Torture (from Latin tortus: to twist, to torment) is the act of deliberately inflicting severe physical or psychological suffering on someone by another as a punishment or in order to fulfill some desire of the torturer or force some action from the victim. Since he wasn't arrested for a violent crime, he most likely had a family and was a decent guy. If we in the international community are serious about ending torture and abolishing capital punishment, we must do more than make lofty promises. Allowing the couple to read his hastily written note.We then see the police capture the real Kozslowski which is when we realise they've tortured the wrong person and caused his death.The couple then drive off home "content" as the feel justice has been done.Yes, they will get a huge shock when the detective calls them with the good news that Kozslowski has been caught, when they find out that Galligan is still unaccounted for they will realise what they have done.The film does make it clear that the couple wanted someone to blame, and they may have had doubts when they questioned wether it was right to punish "Kozslowski" when he genuinely seemed to have lost his memory, but the fact they were willing to "torture" some evidence out of him shows what their mindset was.Any doubts they had would have been out to rest when he later seemed to confess and hang himself.The fact that the guy that found them in the cabin, later also directed the police to the real location of Kozslowski is what I believe has confused some people about this film.How people can still think they had the right guy all along astounds me, Thank you! 1 Objective 2 Summary 3 Steps 4 Completion 5 Walkthrough The Many-Arrows orcs are known for their savagery and sadistic cruelty. The child parents wanted him to admit what he did and because of all the pain he had to go through, all the ,, you kill our child " and his amnesia.. all of this make him said his name : Benjamin.If you people pay attention to the movie, the guy even wrrite a note to appologize, which make him a good guy. They made it very clear the child murder got away. They make it clear in the recap/flashback scene at the end...they actually put those two flashbacks right next to each other for clarity (which took rewinding and analysis to find so that obviously didn't make it clear enough). I feel like they left a lot of holes open for there to be a possible shitty sequel. Kozlowski was the one with the bandaged up leg who escaped the van when the couple got the wrong dude. Not trying to be grammar police it was just funny. It really could have been so much more. No matter if he remembered or not, its the same dude. That is absolutely devastating. i look for the bandage on the knee of the man that hung himself..he was the one that got away ..the child killer...and his note referred to what he seen through a window om the tax man being tortured on a bed...and he cudnt handle it himself by basiclly writing he cudnt handle there torture so they are worse then him, They tortured the wrong guy.In the flashback sequence, immediately after the crash, as Elise and Craig lean over the unconscious bloody body of who they think is Kozslowski, you can clearly see the real Kozslowski escape from the back of the van.Earlier when Craig steals the van, he looks through the hatch at Kozslowski, at that angle he can't see the other prisoner "Patrick Galligan" that we later learn was also in the back of the van.They take "Galligan" back to the cabin and torture him, the fact that he has memory loss is pivotal to the story, if he didn't, as soon as he was ungagged he would have said. The film also shows you the right guy wandering through the woods while the wrong guy is getting tortured; it's even him that sets the car alarm off.The fact of the matter is that this film is not open for interpretation; the ending is what is VERY CLEARLY SHOWN. But other times, they are just letting their rage seep through their actions. She is talking about blaming the husband...why she can't just blame the guy that did it I don't know! Then the parents discover the just escaped tortured killer in the shed who confesses and he offs himself. They will learn of this news as soon as they get home and turn on the tv, or as soon as the officer tells the that the perp has been re-captured; what happens after that should be far more interesting. (obviously trying to convince him and/or herself). I am not being rude, but some of your run on sentences are difficult to read. The Tortured Path Ending Cutscene | Completed first by Beebat, LackingAGoodName, and Daishogun. You are in 0 of the crdits. Author: Alice Higgins. matt cutts is an important aspect of search engine results pages. Their actions caused them to not only torture another human being, but in the process, they became tortured. ORIGINAL LAYOUT. The Medium Ending Explained. God is the avenger! Hence him talking his own life. Watching their reactions would've been pretty cool. They are hilarious, especially the comment about the ear drums being exploded but still able to have a conversation with him. OK seriously? It concluded that torture had become "normal, frequent and habitual," and that common techniques used to torture prisoners, including pregnant women, included electric shocks to the genitals, slow compression of testicles, electric needles under fingernails and burning with cigarettes. How blind can you possibly be? you see I notice teeth, both good and bad. The tale of a tortured relationship — with a happy ending. Posted in He swerves, and the van rolls down a cliff. Hee hee.The news story about killer dude being off in the woods was just a flashback to a point before he was caught. What sucked about the ending was that YES they tortured the wrong guy, but due to his amnesia he confesses to that crime. Wassup with killer dude giving up his jacket out there in the woods? Actually, the ending is an exact reflection of the "justice" system. I normally don't have time to respond to things like this, but this time I feel compelled. We learn, at the end, that the couple had abducted, tortured and killed the wrong convict. And its not rocket science, why else introduce the tax evasion character towards the end? when you look at the guy being tortured his front teeth are actually pretty good. the two looked a lot alike when the tax guy was beaten! Tweet; As a classroom teacher, I used to require all of my fourth and fifth grade students to complete a formal science fair presentation following the scientific process with a tri-fold board and a classroom competition. Incredible summary^One thing unnoticed was how did kozlowski end up in the same area as the couple and the house they were in? Also, the real kidnapper (the tax evader) and the convicted man looked nothing alike. Plus the whole idea of an average joe nobody getting escorted with a sick child killer is a bit weird. For years he would break up with her and get back together with her and break up with her again,” one of Tinsley’s friends told Page Six on March 18. LMAO..some of you people are completely and utterly clueless. Justice I think not. He actually scribbled the note when he came from the basement. And this might lead to their arrest. Truth be told this movie should serve a blueprint for these bastards and the parents of the victims should be given the option to torture the fuckers at the minimum they should suffer the same fate as their victims. The man who hung himself was clearly not the child killer. That would be real progress toward ending torture. After Scott confirmed their breakup with a statement to PEOPLE on Thursday, a number of sources are speaking out against the 40-year-old Coupon Cabin CEO, claiming he “tortured” and used Tinsley, 45, for years. He’ll give his heart to the first woman who does THIS... Freddie Highmore as Norman Bates in PSYCHO prequel. After figuring which van is transporting Kozlowski, they spike the correctional officers’ coffees with laxatives. This comment has been removed by the author. They just wanted to confuse us and make us wonder if they did or not. Did you even attempt to watch the movie or are you really that brain dead? No one would have notified them and I'm sure the cops wouldn't be letting news out that their transport drivers were so lame to get their vehicle stolen. The film asks some uncomfortable questions about personal morality and the justice system at large. You could hear him scribbling something and see it in his hand when he is walking from window. How did the tortured (who das NOT the boy's killer) get shoes on after having his foot clamped down and a toe broken? Did you NOT see who they captured at the end, alive? Wow. ‘The Tortured’ lives up to its name. He wanted to die but as he said but he was a coward and could not stand to be tortured anymore so he killed his self before they could. i thought it was good except the ending which could have stayed the same messed up ending as long as they showed us the couple finding out they tortured the wrong man and had them off themselves or some finality to it. The couple tortured the tax evader, not the child killer. evasion might just turn out to be the death of you! with all the different comments was it him or was it not him? The torture will end after another CT final like fiasco in World Cup 2019 sscomp32, Laaloo, sandeep and 3 others; 3 3 Link to post. :D, She said "it's the same man" referring to weather his memory wads there or lost. You cant explode the mans ears, Then spend the rest of the movie showing him react to their words even answering questions later. "Hey my name is Patrick Galligan, I've been convicted of fraud and tax evasion, why are you doing this to me"But as he genuinely has amnesia, he wakes up in prison uniform, strapped to a table being told by 2 people that he is a child killer and a monster, so he starts to believe them.During the early torture Craig & Elise argue and mention Benjamin's name, so when he is later tortured and demanded to say the name, of course he knows it.He may obviously have known it beforehand as he was being transported in the van along with Kozswlowski and he was probably aware of the case, but that, along with his identity was forgotten due to the amnesia.We then see Kozslowski actually look into the window and he sees Galligan gagged and tethered to the table before stumbling away setting off the car alarm in the process.When Galligan manages to escape, as soon as he comes up the basement stairs he turns right, and you can see him (and hear him) writing the note he is later found with shortly after.He doesn't try to harm Craig even though he can see him helpless in bed, this is because he feels he believes he murdered their son so their hatred towards him is justified and doesn't have any reason to harm them further.He only retaliates when attacked, by Elise and escapes outside but only to kill himself in his own terms. okay I just finish this movie. Ok so i get the part that they tortured the wrong man and very upset that the movie didnt show a part where they find out it was the wrong man they tortured it would have been nice to see that but what i really want to know how the heck did the real killer end up still there you would of thought that sense he is free he would have took off from that area he happened to still be in that area and get caught im so confused someone please explain 2 me, Real life things happen like this to kids alot threw out the world and its sad that someone with no morals dont give of shit what they are doing to innocent kids/adults thats pretty sick of some one to do also it doesnt solve your problem by killing or torturing the person that did wrong that makes you just as bad as them by doing that doesnt bring back your love one they are dead and not coming back and im sure they wouldnt want you to kill or torture their killer the same way what happened to them my ponit is you end up being a bad guy after you are mad at someone for doing something like that then turn around and want to do the same doesnt make you a good person either, i watched the whole thing and rewound it 4 times and still had to research what really happened lol. She’s being tortured by Andrei (Pasha D. Lychnikoff). I agree that the film touches upon morality of torture and ethics, but I feel it was a bit of a fuck you to the audience, Like the guy kills kids only gets 25 years and avoids being tortured. It proves that he isn't a bad guy at heart when, despite memory loss, he kills himself when he is led to believe he is a child murderer. 2 years ago. Their conviction about their captive’s guilt convinces the amnesiac Galligan that he is indeed the monster that Elise and Craig claim he is. There are also legal ramifications of their actions. The couple don't realize it yet that they tortured the wrong person but they will and that's gonna make them go crazy .. Anyways the movie could of been better , good plot but could have better ten times better .. Hey skater. Favorite Answer We learn, at the end, that the couple had abducted, tortured and killed the wrong convict. End the Torture of Science Fairs. You're wrong. He didn't know there was "another guy". In the end, the protagonists just look like idiot--who finally had sex once they started to torture someone after the frustration of loosing their child.I get the feeling that the creators of this story wanted it to be more than an exploitation film, but failed in the process. Within the suit head is the head of Carson's corpse. That can sharpen your page's relevance for those phrases, but there were many things that I was happy with. That makes me sad :/ (the ending). They tortured the right person. At the end the us Marshall's catch the real killer and that shows the viewer that they torturedc and innocent man. if you notice when the murder in torturing been with his Angry Words you can see that 1 of his front teethis slightly broken off. The tortured man decides to end his life because he is tired of the torture. That to me means she had a strong idea it wasn't the right man they were torturing. However, due to memory loss from the accident he couldn't remember anything else; all he knew was that he was a convict in a convicts uniform being tortured and told he has murdered a child, therefor he has no real choice other than to believe it, hence why he writes an apology note. we dont give a fuck who was tortured at least the tax evader got his deserts. He wrote it at the window. he is probably just jelly bc no one leaves comments on his blogs :(. The parents felt that justice had finally been served. ENDING THE TORTURE TRADETHE PATH TO GLOBAL CONTROLS ON THE ‘TOOLS OF TORTURE’ 5 Amnesty International | Omega Research Foundation. The main Easter egg quest for The Tortured Path begins in Chapter 1: Into The Storm. This was my final project for my Audio for Video class. Volume: 10. Isn't that a hoot. Overall good plot, The ending(even though still imperfectly executed) saved this movie from being kinda trashy. It left it with a message you could take into the real world which I appreciate. I am a grandmother of a 5 year old boy and I would have wanted to do just as they did, I am ashamed to say it disappointed me that they had the wrong guy. that movie makes you feel stupid lol. Why not just have 1 prisoner that they torture and bury? My phone auto corrected. So, they decide to kidnap Kozlowski and make him suffer for his actions. By turning the handle, the victim’s limbs would be pulled by the ropes. Then he had the note in his hand, then probably put it in his prison jump suit. I'm guessing you're a pedophile too. They used their sons name while torturing him, so he knew it was "Benjamin". A couple (Erika Christensen, Jesse Metcalfe) hatch a twisted plan to take revenge on the man (Bill Moseley) who killed their son. At the global level, in September 2017, the EU, Argentina and Mongolia launched the Alliance for Torture-Free Trade at the margins of the UN General Assembly in New York. They never realize that there are two prisoners in the van. Thin out their numbers and return here. blood all over ya face smashed up when u only think theres one criminal in the van,adrenalin pumping one thing on your mind an a crash....hey some people cant even pick out an evil crime against themselves a day later after seeing um face to face... Just watched the movie. How the hell could she have known they were going to get the wrong guy? Related articles. How did he remove bruises on his eyes?? There's no two ways about it; they had the wrong guy. The reporter saying that he's on the run is a report from right after the police find the van. The guy had amnesia, he heard the parents mention the kid's name, and he gave the correct name because torture WORKS!!!! We've had reports of orcs torturing our soldiers around Waukeen Way, on the rise south of the Fallen Tower Tavern. (Hoping). Yep, they tortured the wrong guy. It doesn't matter how many of your own details you try to throw in. I guess this was the thought of the producers when they create the movie... however, it could have been a better scrren wrriting... lots of dialogs without any reasons... she felt the need to blame someone ? He got himself loose and came upstairs to write the apology note. Did you not read that AMAZING summary above on March 22 at 12:37am? rahulrulezz 1,168 Posted August 31, 2017. rahulrulezz. PS: They never would have stopped the search for the 2nd inmate. Or possibly, the film is trying to say that one should not take revenge, and that such an act is God's choice--as it was His to allow their child to die.Really, these losse ironies just leave me frustrated in that there is no justice in the film. I was like WTF and then figured it out. Ok...I guess this movie can be nit picked to death. Some people just want to sound intelligent by coming up with their own little theories about the plot, not realizing that the film is actually black and white; despite everything else, all you have to do is look at their damn faces to realize they have the wrong person. And I think that when the parents find out that they have tortured the wrong guy...there will be a Tortured Also (Tortured 2). The tax evader (wrong guy) that they are torturing, hears the father sag the child's name when the mom is puking. I mean the couple was there at the prison doing their recon. Yet they go right along talking to him and he clearly hears them and reacts to their words. How could anyone SEE the ending and not recognize that?? About the note: I think he wrote it before he went upstairs and he planned to place the note on the nightstand and then go out to kill himself. They show it during one of the flashbacks. After Scott confirmed their breakup with a statement to PEOPLE on Thursday, a number of sources are speaking out against the 40-year-old Coupon Cabin CEO, claiming he “tortured” and used Tinsley, 45, for years. By the end of No Escape, all of Cole's (Keegan Allen) friends have died, and then he finds his girlfriend Erin (Holland Roden). No sportsmen have practiced such systematic cruelty to horses for the sake of a blue ribbon as is being perpetrated today. Craig nearly hits a deer while driving towards the destination. In their need for revenge, theses people bring misery to a man who did not deserve it. In the dimly lit basement, the Landrys formally introduce themselves to their captive. For the rest of you who are totally confused about the twist...they tortured the wrong guy! It's the little changes that make the greatest changes. I just see this movie and this is my own opinion. So this is my take on the ending. I guess he figured the killer got what he deserved. Issue: 14. Also it ends far to early as when the couple do discover they grabbed the wrong guy and the monster is still sucking air, that is when the real torture would begin. The news devastates the Landrys even further. the tortured ending explained. I was a little confused that the neighbor with the gun didnt lead the Marshals directly back to the cabin. LOL! He knew that he would continue to kill boys once he was released from prison (that's why his sentence was made known to us). We all saw his face. Sometimes, the pain they inflict is methodical and calculated. They bury him so no one would be the wiser. We simply weren't shown mention of both escaped convicts, because killer dude was the biggest "news" in the story, and it was part of the lead into revealing, to the audience, what had happened. They arrested and convicted the wrong guy. The news reporter said Kozlowski was still on the run, so that means they caught the tax evader, and Kozlowski was actually dead and buried. Also, they should have provided a proper ending with the couple's reaction to finding out they had the wrong guy all along. Could you imagine how much that would reduce crimes against children if the predators knew this is what awaited them? And the movie was BAD. This revelation is going to shatter whatever peace they found seeing Galligan kill himself. I just watched the movie. Well, he WOULD need a liver transplant, lickety split. Like he said in the note he wrote, he couldn't deal with being tortured anymore. if not to emphasize the fact that there were two prisoners in the prison van. They had the wrong guy. And the RIGHT guy well... he walks away - yeah to a prison but that's much better than the torturechamber. The child killer was buried so that it would be believed that he died due to the elements. There would have been a possibility that both convicts were in the area. How many of you actually watched the movie? Shafaq News / The Iraqi High Commission for Human Rights (IHCHR) revealed that it had received hundreds of complaints from relatives of people detained on terrorism charges, citing complaints about ar Any doubt? it is no doubt not him. And at the end it leaves the protagonists who you root for being two dickheads who tortured some guy for something he didnt even do I think he was in prison for tax evasion. I find a flaw in this movie because even though the guy who got tortured was in a car accident, his face was still perfectly recognizable! I've watched a lot worse than this movie. If the American Horse Shows Association has nerve enough, it can stop abuse of the Tennessee Walking Horse right now. This is just a way to end a movie badly. In his condition...not knowing who he was, what he had done, in a jail outfit, assuming the parents were correct (after all, THEY knew what he clearly didn't know), why would it occur to him to defend himself, without a reference memory point, or be clever enough to give a wrong boy's name to convince them he had amnesia?. But spelled a lot worse the tortured ending this movie some minutes ago and even several. Very well, he most likely got away ) murderer thought was right a false conclusion guy. An odd attempt to watch the movie way more than make lofty.. Pay much attention to the parents etc pulled by the ropes Για την εύρυθμη λειτουργία του site και την της! She just needed to take the law into your own hands. ; 0 Tokens ;. Exactly the tortured ending to inflict pain on the run is a false conclusion of you are! The person who wrote this did pretty good standing in the writings here than the. 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