Read the English-language publications provided by the Ministry. Overview of the SEO Check

Federal Minister of Finance Olaf Scholz is responsible for all aspects of German fiscal and tax policy and determines the broad outline of budgetary policy.

The extensive programme includes measures for all sectors. The aim is to ensure that Germany meets its climate policy targets. As of 1 February 2020, the United Kingdom is no longer a member of the European Union. Das Webinar – eine Kooperation zwischen BMF und WKO – diente in erster Linie der Beantwortung der Fragen zum neuen Portal Zoll bzw.

Exklusiv: Mit der amtlichen Sammlung des Bundesministeriums der Finanzen.

The widget always displays the current SEO score of your homepage.Only the data for the given URL is shown. © 2020 - Small and medium-sized businesses hit particularly hard by the coronavirus crisis can now apply for temporary aid as part of Germany’s comprehensive stimulus package.

VSF-Portal. (Opens new window)Overview of fed­er­al bud­getary and fi­nan­cial da­ta up to and in­clud­ing Ju­ly 2020Overview of fed­er­al bud­getary and fi­nan­cial da­ta up to and in­clud­ing June 2020Ger­many’s Pres­i­den­cy of the Coun­cil of the Eu­ro­pean Union 2020Im­me­di­ate As­sis­tance Pro­gramme and Eco­nom­ic Sta­bil­i­sa­tion FundGer­many adopts the largest as­sis­tance pack­age in its his­to­ryFAQs: Multi­bil­lion-eu­ro pro­tec­tive shield for Ger­manyOverview of fed­er­al bud­getary and fi­nan­cial da­ta up to and in­clud­ing Ju­ly 2020Overview of fed­er­al bud­getary and fi­nan­cial da­ta up to and in­clud­ing June 2020Olaf Scholz: Vir­tu­al keynote speech for the Glob­al So­lu­tions Sum­mitFAQs: Task force to com­bat tax fraud and tax avoid­anceOlaf Scholz: Vir­tu­al keynote speech for the Frank­furt Fi­nance Sum­mit

CDA. The Detlev Rohwedder Building, located in the Wilhelmstraße in Berlin’s historical government quarter, has been the head office of the German Finance Ministry since 1999. Initially nothing will change for citizens and businesses, because a transition period will apply until the end of 2020. 347 internal / 14 external Remove unnecessary words like welcome messages from your H1 heading.The page title should fit better to the content of the page. SEO rating for Database of European Union law Case law of the European Court of Justice (ECJ) Database of Austrian law Olaf Scholz: “We have to be am­bi­tious. Bundesministerium der Finanzen: BMF-Startseite Internet-Informationssystem des Bundesministeriums der Finanzen.

öffnet den YouTube-Kanal des BMF.

Analyze your website with Seobility: We cannot determine the social actions for a linked fan page.Seobility found the following keywords. Progress will be reviewed on an ongoing basis. Locate the German customs office that has competence in the matter concerning you, including opening hours and contact details, in the Customs Office List (COL) provided on-line by the European Commission. Mittels Chatfunktion gab … Our dedicated Brexit page includes important information on Brexit in the areas of financial markets, customs, budgetary issues and taxation. Customs offices. The Finance Ministry is responsible for financing the programme as well as for various fiscal measures.

Mit der Internet-Ausfuhr-Anmeldung-Plus (IAA-Plus) steht ein Portal für den Zugang zum IT-Verfahren ATLAS zur Verfügung, das den Wirtschaftsbeteiligten als Teilnehmer ermöglicht, ausfuhrrelevante Sachverhalte über das Internet abzuwickeln, ohne zusätzliche Software installieren zu müssen oder auf die Dienstleistungen eines IT-Unternehmens angewiesen zu sein. Alle aktuellen Nachrichten, Hintergrundinformationen, … On 9 October 2019, the German federal cabinet approved the federal government’s Climate Action Programme 2030, which represents a step towards implementing the Climate Action Plan 2050. Homepage of the Federal Ministry of Finance.

In performing these functions, he is supported by two parliamentary state secretaries and four permanent state secretaries.

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