Higher education is also available in public or private institutions where the students are offered associate degrees, bachelor's degrees, master's degrees, and PhDs. In 1991, all municipalities of the district had an In the 2011 census, after the creation of new municipalities with Serb population, Albanians are the majority in: Ethnic groups in 2011 census: Shes blej qera shtepi, kerkoj e ofroj pune, shes e blej makina e motorra, elektronike, kafshe e shpende, shtepi pushimi e shume te tjera. "Upper Morava under Ottoman rule was called just Morava. The IBAN check digits 05 validate the routing destination and account number combination in this IBAN. Number Tel/Cell Number Free of Charge; Regional Directorate Gjilan: 0280/330 188 ose 038/504504-7001: 192 – Gjilan: Police Station Gjilan Old Gnjilane was located in Petikovida (Petkovica) suburb of today's settlement which was created in that place""Гњилане је дакле могло постати тек после овог кадије, око 1780 године, тако да је после 20–25 година, на крају 18 века, могло бити велико село – варошица. Currently there are 23,608 Albanian students and 881 minority students enrolled in educational institutions around Gjilan. The bank identifier is 12, the bank's branch identifier is 12 and the account number is 0123456789. The country code for Kosovo is XK. The primary education ranging from grades 1−5 along with the lower secondary education is obligatory for all citizens and it begins when the child turns 6 years old. Haji Kalfa (first half of the 17th century) mentioned some place Morava, on 17 days (distance) from Istanbul. The exact year of establishment of Gjilan to this day is not exactly determined. The largest ethnic groups are Albanians and the biggest minority groups are Serbs. Die Schilder enthalten in Anlehnung an die Euro-Kennzeichen einen blauen Streifen am linken Rand mit den Buchstaben RKS (für Republik Kosovo).Eine zweistellige Zahl gibt im Folgenden die entsprechende Region an, bevor das kosovarische Wappen auf dem Schild erscheint. Higher education is available of attaining in various universities and different educational institutions offering high professional education. Education in Gjilan includes primary and secondary education, and a public university. Gjilan (albanisch auch Gjilani, serbisch Гњилане Gnjilane) ist eine Stadt mit etwa 54.000 Einwohnern im Kosovo. Various schedules are additionally available where students can choose to pursue their studies full-time or part-time.

The district largely corresponds to the geographic region of Anamorava or Anamorava, literally "side of river of Morava", is the hilly countryside in south eastern Kosovo south of The district of Gjilan has a total of 6 municipalities and 287 other smaller settlements: In 2002, it was hit by an earthquake that killed one, injured tens and over 8,000 damaged public and private facilities. ""Из турског дефтера (1455) види се да је насељено Србима и да је у њему служио свештеник Божидар. У 14. веку помиње се неко место Морава, где се 1342. год бакио краљ Душан. Јањева, Новог Брда и Кача- ..." Gnjilane or Giljane. According to the 2011 census, the Municipality of Gjilan has 90,178 inhabitants. This education, according to the law, is also free of charge and publicly funded. Хаџи Калфа (прва половина 17. века) помиње неко место Мораву, на 17 дана од Цариграда. Gjilan is located in the southeastern part of Kosovo, the region of The coordinates of the city of Gjilan are 42 degrees north and 21.20 degrees east and 501 and 590 m above sea level, while 475 m in Budrike, up to 1000 m altitude in the border zone with In seismic maps, Gjilan is known as a region of marked vulnerability to danger. Dezember 2010 eingeführt und sind in der Regel weiß mit schwarzer Aufschrift. The mountains in this region rise to an altitude of 1,000 to 1,200 meters, and culminate in the Karadak region bordering neighboring North Macedonia north of Skopje.

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