He shows why compassion is far more constructive than empathy in human relations, and points to solutions for major societal problems of today including racism, prison issues, and the inflammatory nature of social media. In a sea of cynicism, this book is the sturdy, unsinkable lifeboat the world needs. Highly recommended. Rutger Bregman, a historian and writer at The Correspondent, is one of Europe's most prominent young thinkers. If there is one belief that has united the left and the right, psychologists and philosophers, ancient thinkers and modern ones, it is the tacit assumption that humans are bad. Rutger Bregman (born April 26, 1988) is a Dutch Historian and Author from Renesse (Netherlands). “Our secret superpower” is our friendliness and ability to cooperate, he says, and yet “we’re also the cruellest of species”. Meanwhile, Rutger has written around 4 books. Rutger Bregman: the Dutch historian who rocked Davos and unearthed the real Lord of the Flies The historian offers a hopeful view of human nature in … I found myself quoting the Sermon on the Mount over and over again.” He remembers being a student and losing interest in the traditional questions of dogma – does God exist, did Jesus die for our sins – and being more interested in the The argument he makes is compelling, not least his suggestion that gloomy assessments of humankind such as William Golding’s or Milgram’s flourished in the postwar era, as the world tried to make sense of the Holocaust.

But, Bregman says, the scientific evidence suggests those assumptions are badly flawed, that as a species we’ve been getting ourselves wrong for far too long.This is where he has most fun, methodically dismantling some of the best-known nuggets of sociological and psychological conventional wisdom. the "Stanford Prison Experiment" was a hoax, basically). The trouble was, those doubters included him.

International bestseller Rutger Bregman provides new perspective on the past 200,000 years of human history, setting out to prove that we are hardwired for kindness, geared toward cooperation rather than competition, and more inclined to trust rather than distrust one another. Then you can start reading Kindle books on your smartphone, tablet, or computer - no Kindle device required. ‘Communal spirit’ came to the fore during the blitz, argues Rutger Bregman.lthough one of the most contested concepts in political philosophy, human nature is something on which most people seem to agree.

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One of them is the “Utopia for Realists: … Please try your request again later. He lives in Holland. A chat with Dutch historian Rutger Bregman was supposed to fall in the former basket, a nice, easy segment in which the host and guest find common … "To calculate the overall star rating and percentage breakdown by star, we don’t use a simple average.

The System: Who Rigged It, How We Fix It Your recently viewed items and featured recommendations How to square the notion that humans are fundamentally good with a long and continuing history of humanmade horror, exemplified by the Nazi slaughter of 6 million Jews, including more than a million children? Whether or not this vision of pre-agrarian life is an accurate one – and certainly the anthropology and archaeology on which Bregman draws are open to interpretation – the Dutchman puts together a compelling argument that society has been built on a false premise.Bregman, whose previous book was the equally optimistic Along the way, he takes potshots at the big guns: Richard Dawkins, Jared Diamond and Steven Pinker. Please try again.

I couldn’t help myself, writing the epilogue, thinking about what the rules for life could be if you held this [benign] view of human nature. He laughs and admits: “In many ways, it is. He notes how the friendliness that sets humans apart – he calls our species “Homo Puppy” – has a dark side, because empathy with “us” can turn to murderous hostility to “not us”. I know I will return to his book in the future. Like much else in this book, the truth is probably somewhere between the two stated positions.In any case, the fear of civilisational collapse, Bregman believes, is unfounded. Sure, he was drawn to progressive ideas such as UBI or participatory democracy – through which local communities draw up, say, a budget by sitting in a room, thrashing it out and reaching a consensus – but these ideas relied on a very different, benign view of human nature, and “I didn’t really buy this view”. He shows how many famous experiments on human nature have been debunked, but are still cited widely while the studies disproving them have been buried (e.g. It also analyzes reviews to verify trustworthiness.Sorry, we failed to record your vote. Rutger Bregman takes us on a journey through history, beyond the traditional left-right divides, as he introduces ideas whose time has come. Rutger Bregman (1988) is a historian and author. Yet despite the almost bewildering array of characters and information, Bregman never loses sight of his central thesis, that at root humans are “friendly, peaceful and healthy”.It was abandoning our nomadic lifestyle and then domesticating animals, says Bregman, that brought about infectious diseases such as measles, smallpox, tuberculosis, syphilis, malaria, cholera and plague. Our true nature is to be kind, caring and cooperative, he argues. Please try againSorry, we failed to record your vote. Amazon.in - Buy Humankind: A Hopeful History book online at best prices in India on Amazon.in. With luminous endorsements from a raft of big names, from Fame would not be wholly unfamiliar to Bregman, who recently turned 32.

Our payment security system encrypts your information during transmission. It makes a welcome change to read such a sustained and enjoyable tribute to our better natures. This shopping feature will continue to load items when the Enter key is pressed. To get the free app, enter your mobile phone number. Write CSS OR LESS and hit save. He briefly became an online sensation He needed to persuade doubters that human beings were not fundamentally selfish, lazy or worse. Bregman argues that believing in human kindness is a foundation for lasting social change.

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