[YOUTUBE EDITION] In-Depth Jax Jungle Guide [YOUTUBE EDITION] Pros / Cons. Archived. Please verify that you are not a bot to cast your vote.Your votes and comments encourage our guide authors to continue 21. You can support us ad-free for less than $1 a month! Please consider supporting us by whitelisting us in your ad blocker! When your team dies to her ganks, build a Cinderhulk Red Smite asap. Help me! MOBAFire is a community that lives to help every LoL player take their game to the next level by having open access to all our tools and resources. 1.

With the correct timing this will punish him for going for assassinations.If you both build Bloodrazor vs each other then you can dodge a lot of her combo with your Counterstrike (E). Lame du Traqueur avec l'enchantement Titan cendré offre a Jaxdes points de vie, ainsi que des dommages de zone pour clean sa jungle plus vite.

Grandmaster's Might : Passive : Hitting 3 consecutive times enhances Jax's next attack for 100/140/180 ( +70% of ability power ) bonus magic damage.

sounds weird l o lIf you allow Skarner to ult you while being mis-positioned is nearly asking to die, however bringing Flash helps get in and out of skirmishes with him.Try and bait his ulti when you both hit 6 to jump out and escape with ease. Jax has the option to activate the ability again after 1 second to end the effect early. Want to support MOBAFire with an ad-free experience? Please verify that you are not a bot to cast your vote.Your votes and comments encourage our guide authors to continueEarly on Amumu is not much of a threat to Jax. Posted by 1 year ago. Jax Build Guide for League of Legends. (10.16) IN-DEPTH Jax Jungle Guide! However, he becomes more of a problem as the games goes on due to the fact that he can CC you and your whole team leaving them like sitting ducks.Pretty big threat early on since she can one shot you with Runic Echoes and chase you down with her ultimate; you will outscale her.She can easily repel your Counterstrike and stun you in sticky situations.

Save your E for enemy burst or guaranteed all-ins, it negates autos and reduces AOE's by 25%! Also pay attention to when she flies in, you have easy opportunities to stun her, you can peel the dragon off.

Buy a Skirmisher's Sabre to reduce her damage output.Stay away from his shark, (seriously don't get hit by it without a Cinderhulk), go in once his E (Playful Trickster) is down.Provides decent CC and that's about it, he can E away from you to run away like puscTons of damage, however with a Red smite and proper counterstrike you can deal with his dominance. Best jungle path for Jax? Don't stress it and aim to scale quickly without dying or giving up early towers.He gets very tanky so a smart playstyle and Bloodrazor can counter him pretty hard.Pretty hard to keep up with her, try and predict when she will go in for your carries and be ready for your team to feed early on.Does a lot of damage with his autos and has a great spellshield to block your E do it's pretty hard to CC him with it. I took a year off playing and just got back into league a few weeks ago. Close.

Hey all! If he tends to be a threat to your laners be sure to catch him while he's diving them.If played properly you can use your Q (Leap Strike) to dodge his Q>E combo in order to avoid getting CC'd.

You can stick onto him very easily by avoiding his ruptures.Beware, she outscales you and outdamages you from a distance. I didn't make it to platinum in season 7,8, or 9 and stayed in gold due to lack of play due to irl things going on. Yi was always my first main but I started to play a lot more Jax in the last few years. [YOUTUBE EDITION]Did this guide help you? You can support us ad-free for less than $1 a month! Depending on how fed he is in the game will represent his presence, dealing with him mid-late game is a breeze if you peel for your carries.His fear & silence is his only way of combating you, once those abilities are down you have a variety of options.He can get pretty tanky after a while, however the downside to that on his end is that it's only health.

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