Körperwahrnehmung bei Borderline-PersönlichkeitsstörungOur group is currently conducting different studies aiming to investigate network approach for PTSD, anxiety, worry, and repetitive negative thinking. Dies könnte künftig eine gezieltere und wirksamere Behandlung ermöglichen. München, 20.02.2020. Munich Center … We are interested in clinical research concerning psychoneuroendocrinological and neurobiological principles of (1) social interaction and emotions as well as (2) interoceptive processes and integration, as well as their relation to psychopathology.Our group is currently conducting a series of studies investigating psychological mediators between childhood trauma and psychopathology in adulthood, including Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Major Depression, and Substance Use Disorder.We use behavioral measures to assess and modify cognitive biases on the basis of response time and accuracy.

Fünf klare Muster. Also we are developing the methods to modify those cognitive processes in order to reduce subjective sleeplessness.

Therefore, we conduct analogue studies, use transcranial direct current stimulation and conduct clinical studies in different patient groups. The ECoWeB project aims to develop, evaluate, and disseminate a comprehensive mobile web-based application (app) to ubiquitously assess deficits in three major components of Emotional Competence (production, regulation, and knowledge). Die Studie untersucht die kognitiven und psychologischen Grundlagen der Schizophrenie. Meilensteine und Namen der Medizingeschichte sind mit der LMU verbunden: Röntgen, Alzheimer, Pettenkofer (Begründer …

We use behavioral measures to assess and modify cognitive biases on the basis of response time and accuracy. Our research focuses on the role of individual differences in cognitive control for the development and maintenance of mental disorders (e.g., PTSD or affective disorders), deficits in emotion regulation and repetitive negative thinking. This project aims to identify cognitive processes that are associated with feelings of lack of sleep.

Die Fakultät ist häufig nationaler Spitzenreiter in internationalen Forschungsrankings. The main research interests of our group are (1) the etiology and treatment of posttraumatic stress disorder and (2) the role of transdiagnostic processes (e.g. Zu den be­deu­tend­sten För­der­insti­tu­tio­nen ge­hö­ren die Deut­sche For­schungs­ge­mein­schaft und die Eu­ro­pä­ische Union. Die Psychiatrische Klinik der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität ist ein Haus mit wissenschaftlicher Tradition. repetitive negative thinking; emotion regulation; childhood trauma; sleep and sleep disorders; information processing biases) in the maintenance of emotional disorders.

The main aim of our research is to explore network analysis as a tool for individualization of psychological treatment. Psychiatrie. This project investigates different aspects of sleep disturbances, such as insomnia, nightmares as well as related psychological factors like fear of sleep, in people with and without PTSD. Based on these results we develop and evaluate intercultural therapy modules. Forschung am LMU Klinikum. Currently we are focusing on emotion regulation and transdiagnostic culture-sensitive treatment methods for traumatized refugees. In close cooperation with Refugio München - treatment center for traumatized refugees and torture survivors - we investigate the consequences of forced migration and traumatic experiences in refugees.

Ein Team um LMU-Psychiater Nikolaos Koutsouleris konnte Patienten mit vorwiegend bipolaren oder schizophrenen Diagnosen in fünf neue Untergruppen von Psychosen einteilen. Forschung Der Bereich psychologischer Methodenlehre und Diagnostik umfasst vielfältige Aspekte des Messens psychologischer Eigenschaften, des Erlebens und des Verhaltens. At a first glance this kind of support for people with acute mental distress seems important and helpful, but so far there is a lack of reliable scientific studies on the effectiveness of such support services.

Berühmte Forscher wie Although there is extensive literature on social cognition, research concerning learning processes of social abilities and neural systems that support social behavior is limited. Identifying these deficits may allow for interventions and treatment opportunities in patient groups.Sleep disturbances are one of the main symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

In der Klinik für Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie der Universität München („Nußbaumstraße“) stehen wir weiterhin uneingeschränkt für Sie zur Verfügung.

Culturally-Adapted Psychotherapy for Refugees (ReCAP). Die Medizinische Fakultät und das Klinikum der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München gehören zu den forschungsstärksten Zentren der Hochschulmedizin in Europa. Berühmte Forscher wie Emil Kraepelin, einer der Begründer der modernen Psychiatrie, und Alois Alzheimer haben bei uns zu entscheidenden Fortschritten in der Therapie psychischer Erkrankungen beigetragen. For about three decades crisis intervention teams have been supporting people immediately after psychologically stressful events such as a death in the family or a serious accident.

... Wir sind eine Gruppe von Mitarbeitern an der Klinik für Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie der LMU in München sowie an der Universität Bonn die für eine Studie Namens “TYPIA” Interessenten suchen. The major goal of our research is to gain deeper understanding of the working mechanisms underlying ImRs as well as on the effects of ImRs in different psychological disorders.

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