MacFamilyTree 5. MacFamilyTree for Mac helps you research and record your family history information and turn it into charts, reports, or an amazing 3D Virtual Tree. Create visually impressive charts, evaluations, re… members of your own family.Below you find the most recently uploaded family treesExplore your personal family history and discover your origins, your ancestors and how your family has evolved over the course of time.

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The program can also create a set of web pages for family members, and optionally upload them to thei…

, mis à jour le 09/08/2019

Vous pouvez également à tout moment revoir vos options en matière de ciblage. 10.7 (Lion) MacFamilyTree 9 offers numerous options for you to capture and visualize your family history. Version : 9.0.2 MacFamilyTree is a commercial genealogy program for Mac OS X which helps users build their family tree, adding data about family members, including pictures and sound clips. 11 K J’aime. MacFamilyTree, Mayence. MacFamilyTree is a really well supported product with good developer support and regular updates. The price is right. 80 For the sync between different devices an iCloud account is required. / Editeur : Afin de prendre en compte votre avis, merci de confirmer que vous n'êtes pas un robot :MacFamilyTree est comme vous vous en doutez un programme de généalogie vous permettant de reconstituer et mettre en forme votre arbre généalogique aussi loin que vous pourrez remonter. You can try MacFamilyTree for free although the in the demo, you can’t save, print or export. Explore your family tree and your family history in a way that would have amazed generations of chroniclers before you. MacFamilyTree offers numerous options for you to capture and visualize your family history. MacFamilyTree will also show you the frequency of last names in your family tree, how long it took after a wedding for the first child to be born or which is the month where most couples got married, and so much more. MacFamilyTree is available exclusively on the Mac App Store. ( One person found this helpful. Developed specifically for macOS, MacFamilyTree harnesses the advanced and powerful core technologies of Apple's latest operating systems. , 10.9 (Mavericks) Explore and discover your family history! - share your very own family trees, online!Create your own private account on and upload your family trees for protected access over the Internet, worldwide, using whichever web browser you wish. It uses the Core Data API to store information internally but can import and export to the genealogy standard GEDCOMformat. 10.13 (High Sierra) ‎Discover your personal family history! Family Tree Maker makes it easier than ever to discover your family story, preserve your legacy and share your unique heritage. For example, you'll be able to see the average age at which your ancestors got married or passed away. , 10.8 (Mountain Lion) macOS The most advanced and best looking genealogy app for Mac. MacFamilyTree 7 gives genealogy a facelift: It's modern, interactive, incredibly fast and easy to use. Lorsqu’il était distribué par OnlyMac sous le nom de MacStammbaum, à la fin des années 1990, MacFamilyTree était codé en RealBasic. Reviewed in the United States on February 24, 2009. Comment Report abuse.

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