Most brainwave activity occurs within the range of the first 4 Schumann resonances, ie 0-34Hz. Die Webseite ist zwar auf russisch, aber … auch auf unserer Energiewellen-Seite… ich hab ihn die letzten Tage unter den Tabellen mit eingefügt!Trage deine Daten unten ein oder klicke ein Icon um dich einzuloggen:Gib deine E-Mail-Adresse ein, um diesem Blog zu folgen und per E-Mail Benachrichtigungen über neue Beiträge zu erhalten.Kurze Info zur aktuellen Schumann – Resonanz … 19.04.2020 At the time of writing (April 24th 2020) we have just experienced a major surge in measured Schumann resonance power, resulting in a measurable reading at the 20th harmonic (156Hz). July 15, 2020; Written by News Flash; Published in GESUNDHEIT; Als ein geistiges Wesen, das mit einem menschlichen Körper verschmolzen ist, sind wir auch mit dem Bewusstsein und der energetischen Beschaffenheit der Erde verschmolzen, als wir in einen menschlichen Körper hineingeboren wurden. Potent Cosmic Energy Blasts. Indeed, preliminary results seem to indicate that a mere one-degree increase in temperature correlates with a doubling of the SR. This could not be more significant, as it is unknown what psychobiol… TheThe Schumann Resonance Chart displays data from the magnetic field detector to monitor the resonances occurring in the plasma waves constantly circling the earth in the ionosphere. Du stirbst nicht, es ist die Schumann-Resonanz! The frequencies do vary constantly due to changing atmospheric pressure and incoming solar and cosmic radiation which affects the ionosphere, but these changes hover around the base frequency which has been unchanged since it was first measured. More and more of the human population are now realizing their sovereign Divinity which leads them to heal, and feel Love within which is leading to greater personal happiness, and BEing in greater…___________________________________________________________________________________________ Schumann Resonance Today.
Editor’s Note: Wow! These bolts are a source of radio waves, which make the atmosphere ring at the Schumann resonant frequencies. Similar to how an equalizer displays the frequency content of music played on your stereo, the spectrogram calendar displays the frequency content of a magnetic field. Scientific research shows that ourWe do know that frequencies at the Schumann Resonance are incredibly important to our phsiology and mental well-being. What is also changing is that higher harmonics are being measured. Figure 2 - Dependence of amplitudes of the Schumann resonance in Hertz on the local time.. Hier findest Du den Live-Status der Schumann Resonanz Frequenz. The graph above indicates the Schumann Resonance energies were both dense, and of extremely high amplitude starting with lower levels from 9:30 last night (4/17), ramping up to full volumes by 5am this morning (4/18).Remember the Schumann Resonance energies are produced as this Earth receives cosmic energies (the Earth rings like a bell!) Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email.
Editor’s Note: Again, today, on the graph of Schumann Resonance energies taken in Tomsk, Russia, we see a brief eruption from 4am through 8am (all times EST, USA). If the frequency itself was to change, the effects would be dramatic upon us. This is an indication of the sharpness of the resonance peak.For a more in-depth exploration of the effects of Schumann Resonance on our biology, see the We are synchronised to this signal. This chart is based on Tomsk, Russia, time UTC +7 (UTC = Universal Time Coordinated).The Spectrogram Calendar is a visual representation of the range of frequencies in the magnetic field at a given location. Die Schumann Resonanz ist eine globale elektromagnetische Resonanz, die nach dem deutschen Physiker Winfried Otto Schumann benannt wurde, der sie 1952 mathematisch vorhergesagt hat. Auch die aktuelle Schumann Resonanz wird live angezeigt.. Kosmisches Wetter entsteht, wenn ein Sonnensturm von der Sonne durch den Weltraum zieht und die Magnetosphäre der Erde beeinflusst. The great variations that nobody can explain but that give us a clear sign that the planet is changing. Here’s a look at the science of what is actually happening.More correctly termed the Schumann Resonances, its the set resonant frequencies of the Earth’s atmosphere between the surface and the ionosphere. At the time of writing (April 24th 2020) we have just experienced a major surge in measured Schumann resonance power, resulting in a measurable reading at the 20th harmonic (156Hz). Schumann Resonance Apps.

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