À ce jour encore, et pour ses efforts de préservation de l'islam[22], l'imam Ahmad est considéré comme « le personnage le plus remarquable dans le camp de l'orthodoxie musulmane » d'après l'expression de Walter M. Patton[23]. Quant à la parole que certains attribuent à l’Imâm Ahmad, qu’il aurait dit :“الله فوق عرشه و علمه بكل مكان” (Allâh est fawqa le trône et sa science concerne tous les endroits[style à revoir]), Ibn Hamdân Al-Hambali (m.685 A.H.) a dit que cette parole a été rapportée avec une chaîne de transmission faible[37]. 113 Views . L’imam Ahmad étudia longuement à Bagdad avant de voyager pour poursuivre ses études. Letter to City Council about Serious Problem with Traffic Congestion, Advantages And Disadvantages Of Monoculture Farming, Aerodynamic Levitation – the use of gas pressure to levitate materials, Scientific Breakthroughs We Are Waiting For, From Abdillah, that he heard that Abu Zur’ah said, “Your father (Ahmad) memorized one million hadith.”, From Hanbal, that he heard that Imam Ahmad said, “I memorize everything that I’ve heard from my teacher, Hushaim, during his life.”, Ibrahim Al Harbi said, “I’ve seen Imam Ahmad. La série sur la vie de l’imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal retrace la vie de l’un des quatre grands imams musulmans, retraçant de nombreuses événements qui se sont déroulés durant sa vie, ses études jusqu’à sa mort. Muhammad bin Nuh passed away during that journey, but Imam Ahmad rh bin Hanbal was returned to Baghdad in shackles. His nickname was Abu Abdillah, since one of his son was named Abdullah. Ahmad Ibn Hanbal Wikipedia. L'imam Ahmad étudie dans un premier temps le fiqh et la science du hadith sous différents maîtres à Bagdad. He realised that the main scholars of hadith did not all live in the capital. After Al Mutawakkil became a caliph, Imam Ahmad was ennobled by the kingdom, to the extent that none of the juries and authorities were appointed before being consulted to Imam Ahmad. Whereas his senior students were Bukhari, Muslim, Abu Daud, Abu Zur’ah, Mathin, Abdullah Ibn Ahmad Ibn Hanbal, Abul Qasim Al Baghawi, and many more. If such an attitude was certain to ensure great fame for the scholar, let us now look into his life. Ahmad ibn Hanbal's family was originally from Basra, Iraq, and belonged to the Arab Banu Shayban tribe. Ahmad bin Hanbal was born in Baghdad, in the year 780 CE. Par la suite, il entreprend des voyages en Syrie et au Yémen[1]. It was told by Adz Dzahabi, from Bunan Ibn Ahmad Al Qashbani that he attended the funeral prayer for Imam Ahmad, and people who prayed for Imam Ahmad were about 800.000 man and 60.000 woman. La série sur la vie de l’imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal retrace la vie de l’un des quatre grands imams musulmans, retraçant de nombreuses événements qui se sont déroulés durant sa vie, ses études jusqu’à sa mort. He was an Imam in Fiqh, Hadith, and many other Islamic Jurisprudence. at the age of seventy-seven in Baghdad, Iraq, after brief illness of 9 days. Ibn Kathir mentionne également, dans son tafsir (exégèse du Coran), la position de l’Imâm Ahmad concernant l’istiwâ de Allâh, qui est d’y croire sans assimilation, sans commentaire et sans prendre le sens apparent (comme la position assise ou l’établissement)[25]. Après plusieurs années de voyage, il est retourné à Bagdad pour étudier le droit musulman sous l'autorité d'Ash-Shâfi'î. Selon les historiens, 800 000 hommes et 60 000 femmes ont assisté à ses funérailles et 20 000 chrétiens et juifs se sont convertis à l’islam ce jour-là[12]. Au petit matin, il se dépêchait de se rendre auprès de son maître pour être le … The rest, my father and Muhammad Ibn Nuh, were imprisoned for several days.” (See: “Siyar A`lam An-Nubala’”, page 238). Be the first one to write a review. En effet, il est confirmé qu’il a interprété le verset {وجاء ربك} « wa jâ-a Rabbouka » en disant : le sens est que viendra l’ordre de ton Seigneur ; ou les manifestations de Sa toute puissance ; ou sa récompense[27],[28],[29]. It was told that the number of traces were more than 2.500.000 people, who prayed for him. He is said to have travelled five times to Basrah, and paid a similar number of visits to Hijaz. During the period of acquiring knowledge Imaam Ahmad (R.A) made every effort to practice upon every prophetic tradition. The Abbasid Caliph, Al-Mutawkkil was a strong admirer of Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal. 3 (Brill, 2001); cf. Ibn Hanbal eut pour première épouse Oumm abi 'Abbassa qui lui donna un fils du nom de Sâlih (mort en 879). En témoigne la richesse de la littérature hanbalite médiévale en référence aux saints, aux visites des tombeaux, aux miracles et aux reliques[20]. When he died, many people prayed for his corpse. Just like his mentor Imam Al-Shafi’i (RA), Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal (RA) too was proficient in the use of the Arabic language. Cependant, certains savants ont fait valoir que les croyances d’Ibn Hanbal n’ont en fait joué « aucun rôle réel dans l’établissement des doctrines centrales du wahhabisme »[19], car il y a des preuves, selon les mêmes auteurs, que « les autorités hanbalites plus anciennes avaient des préoccupations doctrinales très différentes de celles des wahhabites »[19]. Allah has gathered in him knowledges of the past and present people.”, Imam Ash Shafi’i said, “When I left Baghdad, I didn’t leave a nobler, smarter, and cleverer man than Ahmad Ibn Hanbal.”. Il mémorisa le Noble Cora avant de se lancer avec avidité dans l’apprentissage du Hadîth. Avec cette connaissance, il est devenu une autorité dans le hadith, laissant derrière lui une immense encyclopédie du hadith, le Musnad (en). Les enseignement de l'imam Ahmad mènent à la fondation du madhhab hanbalite, qui est aujourd'hui prédominant en Arabie saoudite, au Qatar, et aux Émirats arabes unis[14],[15],[16]. By Ramadan of the year of 833, ibn Hanbal had been imprisoned for nearly two years by the ‘Abbāsid caliphs. The compiler of this book is Sheikh-ul-Islam, a prominent scholar, Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Hanbal Ash-Shaibani رحمه الله. L'école hanbalite, attachée au strict respect du Coran et de la Tradition, récuse la tentation de l'innovation (bid'a), le "stratagème" (hîla), et condamne les déviations religieuses et/ou politiques apparues dans l'histoire du califat, à commencer par le kharidjisme et toutes les formes de chiisme, etc. Thus, Ahmad was at the same time a top scholar of hadith and a top scholar of Fiqh. L'imam Ahmad reçoit des hadîth écrits de Mouhammad Al-Shaybânî. He is also buried in Baghdad (as reported by Abu Al-Hasan Al-Marwadhi). 2 (Jul., 1992). Après avoir terminé ses études avec Abou Yoûsouf, Ibn Hanbal a commencé à voyager à travers l’Iraq, la Syrie, l’Arabie et le Yémen pour recueillir des ahadith. Imam Ahmad Bin Hanbal Death. Due to the great number of his virtues and excellences, Imam Adz Dzahabi wrote about his biography in his work, Siyar A’lam An Nubala, from page 177 until 358. Ayant étudié le fiqh et le hadîth auprès de nombreux enseignants durant sa jeunesse[6], Ibn Hanbal devint internationalement célèbre par la suite pour son rôle crucial dans la Mihna, inquisition instituée par le calife abbasside Al-Ma’mūn vers la fin de son règne, dans lequel le souverain donna son soutien officiel au dogme mutazilite du Qorʾān crée. Imam Ahmad was imprisoned and tortured for 28 months. Among his works are: He died on Friday, 12th of Rabi’ul Awwal, 241 Hijri, at the age of 77 years. Pareillement, l'Imâm Ibnou Châhîn (ar) (mort en 385 AH) a dit : « Deux hommes vertueux ont été éprouvés par leurs compagnons pervers : Ja’far Ibnou Mouhammad (As-Sâdiq) et Ahmad Ibnou Hambal »[33]. Another notable quality of Imam Ahmad (RA) was … Imam Ahmad Ibn Hanbal naquit à Bagdad, dans l’une des maisons nobles des Banû Shaybân, au cours du mois de Rabî` Al-Awwal de l’an 164 A.H. En novembre 780 E.C. احمد بن محمد بن حنبل ابو عبد الله الشيباني, « aucun rôle réel dans l’établissement des doctrines centrales du wahhabisme », « les autorités hanbalites plus anciennes avaient des préoccupations doctrinales très différentes de celles des wahhabites », « le personnage le plus remarquable dans le camp de l'orthodoxie musulmane », Mohammed M. I. Ghaly, "Writings on Disability in Islam: The 16th Century Polemic on Ibn Fahd's "al-Nukat al-Ziraf",". The teachers he cited only for the book Al Musnad alone, were more than 280 people. Born: Rabi-ul-I, 164 AH/November, 780; Baghdad, Iraq, Died: 12 Rabi’-ul-I, 241 AH/ 2 August, 855(aged 74-75); Baghdad, Iraq. Roy Jackson, "Fifty key figures in Islam", Taylor & Francis, 2006. p 44, al-Dhahabi, Siyar A`lam al-Nubala’ 9:434-547 #1876 & Tadhkira al-Huffaz 2:431 #438. Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal (RA) was tutored by Imam al-Shafi’i (RA)himself. À cet égard, les oulema ont cité le propre soutien d’Ibn Hanbal à l’utilisation des reliques comme étant simplement un des points importants sur lesquels les opinions du théologien divergeaient de celles du wahhabisme[21]. In fact, on account of his learning capacity, inherent intelligence and sincerity, Imam Ahmad (RA) eventually went on to unite not only the Hanafi and Maliki Fiqh, but also those of Imam al-Shafi’i (RA). The series was directed by Abdel Bari Abul-Khair and composed by a group of Syrian and Arab actors, including the Syrian actor Mehyar Khaddour as the Imam. His father, Muhammad bin Hanbal, was an Abbasids army officer who died in a war, and his grandfather, Hambal bin Hilal, was a regional ruler in Sarkhas, during the Caliphate of Ummayids. Imam Ahmad Bin Hanbal died on Friday, 12 Rabi-ul-Awwa, 241 AH (857 AD approx.) This treaties, by Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal was written several hundred years ago to the inhabitants of a town where the Imam stayed for a period of time. It contains a full and clear description of the prayer and includes detailed observations of the mistakes, which Imam Ahmad observed during his time in that town. Baghdad was at the time not only the political capital of the vast Islamic state, stretching from the Atlantic in North Africa to Central Asia; it was also the most important centre of Islamic scholarship, witnessing at the same time the penetrating influence of other cultures, including Greek philosophy, Indian mythology and Persian traditions. Parmi eux : Le Hâfidh Taqiyyou d-Dîn Ibnou Salâh (en) (mort en 643 AH) a dit : « Allâh a éprouvé deux imams à travers leurs compagnons, alors qu’ils sont innocents [de leurs égarements] : Ahmad Ibnou Hambal a été éprouvé par les moujassimah (corporalistes) et Ja’far As-Sâdiq a été éprouvé par les râfidah (groupe chiite) »[32]. Hence, scholars were keen to seek a hadith at the shortest chain of transmission they could achieve, even though that might have required them to undertake a long journey. Il devient mufti dans sa vieillesse. L’Imâm Ahmad Ibn Hambal a été interrogé au sujet de l’istiwâ [de Allâh], il a dit : « Istawâ tel qu’Il l’a porté à notre connaissance, et non pas comme cela pourrait passer par l’imagination des humains.»[24]. Parmi les élèves de Ahmad ibn Hanbal figurent ses deux fils ainsi que l'imam Boukhari et l'imam Mouslim, grands savants du hadith et compilateurs des recueils de ahadîth éponymes. May Allah have mercy on Imam Ahmad Ibn Hanbal. Dans ce vingt-deuxième épisode de la vie de l’imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal, l’imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal est gardé dans […] Cette conception est une hérésie pure pour les sunnites et les chiites[note 1] selon qui le Qor'an est la parole incréée d'Allah[2]. That was his meeting with El-Shafie who by that time had developed his methodological approach to Fiqh and the fundamental rules he set for construction and deduction of rulings and judgements. C'est dans cette ville qu'il suit notamment les enseignements de l'imâm al-Châfi'î et d'Abou Youssouf, lui-même disciple d'Abou Hanîfa. Nombreux sont les savants qui ont innocenté l’Imâm Ahmad de la croyance des moujassimah (corporalistes). Saleh, the son of Imam Ahmad said, “All scholars admitted that the Qur’an is creature but four people: my father, Muhammad Ibn Nuh, Al Qawariry, and Al Hasan Ibn Hammad. In another narration, from Abu Zur’ah, he received the news that Caliph Al Mutawakkil ordered someone to count the foot traces of people who prayed for the corpse of Imam Ahmad. His full name was Imam Abu Abdullah Ahmad bin Muhammad bin Hanbal bin Hilal bin Asad bin Idrees bin Abdillah bin Hayyan al-Shaybani. Imam Ahmad stood strong to defend the creed of ahlu sunnah wal jama’a, that the Qur’an is the word of Allah, and not a creature. La dernière modification de cette page a été faite le 13 février 2021 à 11:12. If we compiled praises of the scholars for Imam Ahmad, it would make a book itself. Imam Hanbal was born in Central Asia to Arab parents in 780. Imaam Ahmad (R.A) traveled far and wide in order to acquire knowledge. Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. It starts from his early life leading to his quest of collecting hadith of Prophet Muhammad PBUH until his death.… In the view of Abbasid caliph Al-Mamun, the Quran was created, whereas masters like Ahmad ibn Hanbal preached that the Quran is the words of Allah. Plus, he was also an expert at the Exegesis (Tafsir) of Quran. He could have easily learnt the hadiths from their books, but he was keen to listen to their hadiths as they personally reported them. modifier - modifier le code - modifier Wikidata. This means that his early studies took him into learning Fiqh that gave scholarly discretion a very high rank and relied much on analogy. L'Imam Ahmad était sur le dogme des gens de la sunnah. Ibn Hanbal n'ayant jamais rédigé de véritable traité de fiqh, cette école prit de manière posthume le nom de hanbalisme, constituée formellement par les élèves de l'imam Ahmad qui ont rassemblé ses enseignements suite à sa mort[13]. This represented a strong exposure to the practical application of hadith and other religious text, which means that he was not isolated from Fiqh during his study of hadith. Imaam Abu Abdullah; Imaam Ahmad Ibn Hanbal (R.A) was born in Baghdad, where a great number of scholars and muhadditheen were present. After Wathiq's death, his brother Mutawakkil became the Khalifa and circumstances started to change. À l'époque contemporaine, le nom d’Ibn Hanbal est associé à l'école de jurisprudence hanbalite. Ce n’est qu’en 204 de l’hégire (819), à l’âge de 40 ans que Ahmad Ibn Hanbal devint l’Imam que l’on connaît. Ahmad memorised the Quran at an early age, and as he was directed by his uncle and his mother to pursue his studies, his serious nature and early pious attitude ensured that he sought to study Fiqh, or Islamic jurisprudence. A highly placed official at court, who wished Ahmad well, wrote to him that the gift was forthcoming and alerting him that, should he refuse it, there would be no shortage of people who would be quick to try to use that in order to sow discord between him and the Caliph. Orphelin de père, dès avant sa naissance, il fut élevé par sa mère qui veilla à lui donner la meilleure éducation et à lui enseigner les savoirs primordiaux en ces temps. Tout au long de l'histoire islamique, Ibn Hanbal a été respecté comme une figure exemplaire dans toutes les écoles traditionnelles de la pensée sunnite[2], à la fois par les oulema exotériques et par les mystiques, ces derniers le désignant souvent comme un saint parmi les saints dans leurs hagiographies[7]. That combination gave him a rare standard of excellence. So he decided to seek them wherever they lived. However, a third influence was soon to have a major bearing on Ahmad and his scholarship. He is also buried in Baghdad (as reported by Abu Al-Hasan Al-Marwadhi). When Muttasim died, Wathiq became the Khalifa and banished Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal from Baghdad. He once sent him some rich gifts, including a large amount of money. La famille d’Ahmad ibn Hanbal était originaire de Bassorah, en Irak, et appartenait à la tribu arabe des Banu Shayban (en) . Cependant, il est arrivé que des fuqaha hanbalites soient acharites dans la 'aqîda, comme ce fut le cas d'Ibn al-Jawzi[18]. His father was an officer in the Abbasid army in Khurasan and later settled with his family in Baghdad, where Ahmad was born in 780 CE. Imam Ahmad Bin Hanbal is one of the prominent Islamic scholars and has been given title of Shaikh-ul-Islam (outstanding scholars of the Islamic sciences). Son père était officier dans l’armée du califat abbasside au Khorassan et s’installa plus tard avec sa famille à Bagdad, seulement quelques mois avant la naissance d'Ahmad en l'an 164 AH / 780 . La série sur la vie de l’imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal retrace la vie de l’un des quatre grands imams musulmans, retraçant de nombreuses événements qui se sont déroulés durant sa vie, ses études jusqu’à sa mort. They were forced to say that, “The Qur’an is creature.” Whoever among the public figures refused to say that the Qur’an is creature would be killed or prisoned. He famously and heroically held true to his beliefs despite the pressures of a Caliph who wished to impose his philosophical ideas on Islam. Imam Ahmad (rahimahullah) was married to her for twenty years (some narrations suggest thirty years). Reviews There are no reviews yet. The series is about the biography of the fourth imam, Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal. En plus de ses activités scolaires, du ibn Hanbal était un soldat (ghazi) aux frontières du Dar al-Islam (Ribat) et a fait le Hajj cinq fois dans sa vie, dont deux fois à pied[11]. 2, No. Orphelin de père, dès avant sa naissance, il fut élevé par sa mère qui veilla à lui donner la meilleure éducation et à lui enseigner les savoirs primordiaux en ces temps. He was born in Baghdad, on 164 Hijri. But soon afterwards, he decided to pursue the study of hadith, delaying Fiqh study for a while. Le hanbalisme compte parmi les quatre principales écoles de jurisprudence (madahib) de l'islam sunnite[2] avec le shafî'îsme, le malikisme et le hanafisme. contoh kertas kerja program contoh laporan akhir latihan industri contoh kesimpulan untuk assignment arab contoh lampiran kerja kursus sejarah tingkatan 3 contoh laporan audit dalaman iso contoh kesimpulan laporan kajian contoh kosa kata umum tahun 3 contoh laporan audit dalaman sekolah. His son once asked him whether he could offer the pilgrimage using money he received from the Caliph. In fact, he is the founder of one of the four schools or rites of Islamic legal knowledge (fiqh) within the Sunni schools of law. Finally, Al Qawariry and A Hasan Ibn Hammad admitted that the Qur’an is creature. since 1368/1948. Dans cet ouvrage de référence, les ahâdîth sont classés suivant les chaînes de transmetteurs, remontant jusqu'à un des compagnons du Prophète de l'islam, et en fonction de leur authenticité, selon que celle-ci appartienne à l'une de ces trois catégories : Ibn Hanbal a également écrit des ouvrages de commentaires sur la Tradition et sur les principes moraux dans l'islam, ainsi que des éloges des premiers califes rachidoune, "les bien guidés". Nevertheless, Ahmad did not allow any part of the gift to enter his home. Addeddate 2020-05-07 19:19:17 Color color Identifier the-imam-ahmad-bin-hanbal Scanner Internet Archive HTML5 Uploader 1.6.4 Sound sound Year 2020 . He originated from the family of Dzuhli Ibn Syaiban, a lineage that claimed themselves from the tribe of Bakr Ibn Wail. Contrairement aux trois autres écoles de jurisprudence islamique (hanafisme, malikisme et shafî'îsme), le madhhab hanbalite est demeuré largement traditionaliste ou Athari en matière de théologie[17]. On all these trips, Ahmad’s aim was to listen to the Prophet’s hadiths from scholars personally. La série sur la vie de l’imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal retrace la vie de l’un des quatre grands imams musulmans, retraçant de nombreuses événements qui se sont déroulés durant sa vie, ses études jusqu’à sa mort. When he died, many people prayed for his corpse. Imam Ahmad's father and grandfather died when he was born, thus he was raised by his mother alone. De cette union naît Abdullah (mort en 903). Ibn al-Jawzi affirme que l’imam Ahmad avait 414 maîtres dans la science du hadith, desquels il narrait. L’Imâm Ahmad a quelquefois pratiqué l’interprétation (ta-wîl) détaillée. He developed fiqh but was also an expert in the study of Islamic oral traditions (the sayings – hadith). C'est dans ce madhab que naît le mouvement de réforme connu sous le nom de wahhabisme l’a cité comme son influence principale, au côté du réformateur hanbalite du XIIIe siècle Ibn Taymiyya. 3 (Brill, 2001). À la mort de sa première épouse, il épousa Rayhânah. When he studied under El-Shafie, Ahmad started to review what he had learnt and collected of hadiths and reports of the Prophet’s companions and their successors so as to pinpoint the relevance of those texts and reports to practical matters. After spending a few nights in a prison cell, he was taken to the new Caliph, Abu Ishaq Al-Mu‘tasim. Of pure Arab lineage, Ibn Hanbal belonged to the tribe of Shaybaan through both parents. Aḥmad Ibn Muḥammad Ibn Ḥanbal Abū ʿAbdullāh Ash-Shaybānī (arabe : احمد بن محمد بن حنبل ابو عبد الله الشيباني), né en Rabi’ al-Awwal 164 AH / novembre 780 à Bagdad, et mort le 12 Rabi’ al-Awwal 241 AH / 2 août 855 dans la même ville, souvent mentionné par ses formes courtes Aḥmad ibn Ḥanbal ou simplement Ibn Ḥanbal et l'imam Aḥmad par les sunnites, était un faqîh musulman arabe, théologien, ascète, traditionaliste (muhaddith), précurseur de l'école de jurisprudence (madhhab) sunnite hanbalite et martyr pour sa foi[1]. Ahmad Ibn Hanbal was a founder of one of the four main Sunni schools of Jurisprudence. He learned and wrote hadith from Imam Ash Shafi’i, Hushaim, Ibrahim Ibn Sa’d, Sufyan Ibn Uyaina, Abbad Ibn Abbad, Yahya Ibn Abi Zaidah, and from other scholars at their time. After the death of his father, he would move to Iraq and study extensively in Baghdad, and later used his travels to further his education. comment. Jusque là il s’était interdit toute émission de fatawa, ceci afin de suivre l’exemple du Prophète, paix et salut soient sur lui, qui ne reçut la Révélation qu’à cet âge. He was born 164 AH/780 CE and died 241AH/855 CE in Baghdad. Ibn al-Jawzī, https://fr.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Ahmad_Ibn_Hanbal&oldid=179864699, Article contenant un appel à traduction en anglais, Article contenant un appel à traduction en allemand, Article contenant un appel à traduction en arabe, Article de Wikipédia avec notice d'autorité, Portail:Religions et croyances/Articles liés, Portail:Biographie/Articles liés/Religions et croyances, Portail:Biographie/Articles liés/Culture et arts, licence Creative Commons attribution, partage dans les mêmes conditions, comment citer les auteurs et mentionner la licence. What a Caliph would give held no temptation for him. As a result, Ahmad ibn Hanbal was forcefully taken to prison in 833 AD and was incarcerated until the death of Al … Ahmad Ibn Hanbal est décédé le vendredi 12 Rabi’ al-Awwal 241 AH / 2 août 855 à l’âge de 74-75 années juliennes à Bagdad, en Irak. Imam Ahmad Bin Hanbal died on Friday, December 12 in Rabi-ul-Awwa, 241 AH (around 857 AD) at the age of seventy-seven in Baghdad, Iraq, after a brief 9-day illness. Le maître des ahadith du XIVe siècle, Al-Dhahabi, qualifia Ibn Hanbal de « véritable cheikh al-Islam et chef des musulmans de son temps, maître des ahadith et preuve de la religion »[8]. La famille d’Ahmad ibn Hanbal était originaire de Bassorah, en Irak, et appartenait à la tribu arabe des Banu Shayban (en)[9]. People who felt for him, would visit him and narrated the Hadith to him, that in such a situation one is allowed to even utter words of Kufr to save ones life. L'un des plus grands partisans classiques de l'utilisation des sources scripturaires comme fondement de la loi et du mode de vie islamiques, l'imam Ahmad a rassemblé l'une des plus importantes collections de ahadith sunnites : le Mousnad[5], qui continue à ce jour d'exercer une influence considérable dans le domaine de l'étude du hadîth[2]. 1st ed., Cairo 1311; new edition by Aḥmad S̲h̲ākir in publ. Souffrant de persécution physique (flagellation notamment) sous le calife pour son adhésion sans faille à la doctrine traditionnelle, le courage d'Ibn Hanbal lors de cet événement particulier n'a fait que renforcer sa « réputation retentissante » dans les annales de l'histoire islamique[2]. Ali Al Madini said, “Indeed, Allah has strengthened this religion with Abu Bakr Ash Shiddiq on the day of Riddah (when people returned to infidelity) and Allah has strengthened this religion with Ahmad Ibn Hanbal on the day of mihnah (when people were forced to say that the Qur’an is creature). He answered that he could, because it was money obtained from a legitimate source, explaining that he would not take it himself, as he wished to maintain a standard of purity that he imposed on no one else. En revanche il a été rapporté de la part de l’Imâm Ahmad qu’il niait le corps au sujet Allâh[34], et qu’il considérait mécréant ceux qui ont pris pour croyance que Allâh serait un corps ou qu’Il serait dans une direction[35],[36]. The Imam Ahmad Bin Hanbal Series with subtitles Movies Preview ... study and knowledge until his death. Un érudit très influent et actif au cours de sa vie[2], Ibn Hanbal est devenu « une des figures intellectuelles les plus admirées » de l’histoire de l'islam[3], qui a eu une « profonde influence sur presque tous les domaines du traditionalisme (perspective axée sur le littéralisme) » au sein de l’islam sunnite[4]. Ahmad sought none of this, but went straight into the study of Fiqh, reading under Abu Yussuf, the best known student of Abu Haneefah. Imam Ahmad had plenty of writings. The death of Imam Ahmad He died on Friday, 12th of Rabi’ul Awwal, 241 Hijri, at the age of 77 years. He began to travel to Basrah, Kufah, Hijaz and Yemen. Thus was Ahmad ibn Hanbal: a model of courage and honesty who cared little for worldly comforts and luxuries that money may buy. De même, l’Imâm Ibn Hajar al-Asqalani a mentionné la position de l’Imâm Ahmad face aux textes équivoques (moutachâbih), qui est d’y croire dans leur globalité, tout en exemptant Allâh de la kayfiyyah (caractéristiques des créatures) et de l’assimilation (tachbîh)[26]. He was still an infant when his father died at the age of 30. Imam Ahmad Bin Hanbal Series Islamicity . One of these was Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal (d. 855), a scholar of kalām (theology) and hadīth (Prophetic narrations) who is best known as the founder of the Hanbali school of Islamic jurisprudence. Up to this stage, we recognise two major influences on Ahmad’s scholarship: the early study of Fiqh under Abu Yussuf and the hadith study through which he collected a wealth of statements by the Prophet, or hadiths, together with rulings by the Prophet’s companions and their successors as well as their judgements in disputes put to them. Michael Cook, “On the Origins of Wahhābism,” Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, Third Series, Vol. Gibb, H. A. R. (Hamilton Alexander Rosskeen), 1895-1971. —. He was born in 164 and died in 241 AH. … « "The Hanbalite madhhab, in contrast, largely maintained the traditionalist of Athari position." He was from originally from the Basrah which is located in Iraq. He once sent him some rich gifts, including a large amount of money. Here are some praises of the scholars for him: At the time of Caliph Al Makmun, the muslims were tried by the ideology of Mu’tazila. Episode 31 - The illness of Imam Ahmad and his health is disrupted and then his death speaks the two testimonies. Il a commencé à apprendre la jurisprudence (Fiqh) sous l'autorité du célèbre juge hanafite Abou Yoûsouf, étudiant et compagnon de l’imam Abû Hanîfa. It was told by Adz Dzahabi, from Bunan Ibn Ahmad Al Qashbani that he attended the funeral prayer for Imam Ahmad, and people who prayed for Imam Ahmad were about 800.000 man and 60.000 woman. He distributed it all to poor and needy people, taking nothing for himself or his family. Imam Ahmad Ibn Hanbal (164–241 H) His full name is “Ahmad Ibn Muhammad Ibn Hanbal Ibn Hilal Ibn Asad Asy-Syaibani”. It indicates his excellences and his prominent position among muslims. A shorter chain of transmitters, who were all reliable and trustworthy, meant the room for error is practically non-existent. Ahmad started his pursuit of the study of hadith in Baghdad at the age of 15, and continued to give it his full attention there for seven years. Son père était officier dans l’armée du califat abbasside au Khorassan et s’installa plus tard avec sa famille à Bagdad, seulement quelques mois avant la naissance d'Ahmad en l'an 164 AH / 780[10]. However, in the latter trips he combined offering the pilgrimage with his studies. The dispute on the createdness of the Qur’an . Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal (164-241 AH / 780-855 AD) was a jurist and the lead figure of Hanbali doctrine in Islamic jurisprudence. After Mamoon's death, Muttasim took over and continued the reign of torture, he had Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal flogged in public. ». Beside him, many other scholars had written his biography in a distinct book, such as Imam Baihaqi and Ibn al Jauzi who wrote about his biography in one thick volume, whereas Sheikh al Islam Al Anshari wrote about his biography in several, thinner, volumes. When Ibn Hanbal was fifteen, he began to study the Traditions (Ahadeeth) of the Prophet Muhammad, , (may Allah exalt his mention).Seeking to learn from the great scholars of his … Progressivement, la méthodologie de l'imam Ahmad mène à la création d'une école de pensée rigoureuse lui paraissant la plus conforme au Coran et à la Sunna. In the age of fifteenth, he began to learn the knowledge of Hadith in 179 AH. Gave him a rare standard of excellence 13 février 2021 à 11:12 Hamilton Alexander Rosskeen ), 1895-1971 the.... Seek them wherever they lived this book is Sheikh-ul-Islam, a Third influence was soon to have five. On doit à l'imam Ahmad reçoit des Hadîth écrits de Mouhammad Al-Shaybânî HTML5 Uploader 1.6.4 Sound Sound year 2020 2021! Many other Islamic Jurisprudence about the biography of the gift to be forbidden son once asked him whether he offer... Abu Ishaq Al-Mu ‘ tasim Muhammad bin Hanbal died on Friday, 12 Rabi-ul-Awwa 241. 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