أسوان , Aswān; muinaisegyptiksi Swenet; kopt. After construction of the dam, aquatic weeds grew much faster in the clearer water, helped by fertilizer residues. Calatorie in Egipt - Aswan, 9 ianuarie 2011, Razvan Pascu, Descoperă - Travel Die Villa von…Der Horus-Tempel in Edfu, 60 km südlich von Luxor, gilt als der besterhaltene des Landes: Erst 1860 wurde er freigelegt…Das Areal wird vom Isis-Tempel beherrscht, der sich ursprünglich auf einer Insel befand, die in den Fluten eines Assuan…Das schönste Museum des Landes wurde u.a. Because of this and the increased presence of nutrients from fertilizers in the water, more algae grow in the Nile. Assuan sau Aswan (Egipteană: swn.w; coptă: ⲥⲟⲩⲁⲛ Swān; arabă: أسوان Aswān; greacă: Συήνη Syene) este un oraș în Egipt, situat în sudul țării.. Legături externe. Abū Sinbal in Assuan im Überblick. Dulles was angered more by Nasser's Several other factors contributed to the US deciding to withdraw its offer of funding for the dam.
Assouan, ist eine Stadt in Oberägypten auf dem östlichen Nilufer mit etwa 250.000 Einwohnern (2006) und Hauptstadt der gleichnamigen Provinz Gouvernement Assuan.Die Stadt liegt unmittelbar nördlich der beiden Assuan-Staudämme, die den Nassersee im Norden begrenzen bzw.
errichtet.… However, the actual drop has been measured at 0.3–0.7 meters, much less than expected.The red-brick construction industry, which consisted of hundreds of factories that used Nile sediment deposits along the river, has also been negatively affected. Sie ist die Hauptstadt des nach ihr benannten Gouvernements Assuan und mit über 281.000 Einwohnern [1] nach Luxor, Asyut und Fayyum die viertgrößte Stadt Oberägyptens. The annual crop consumptive use of water is about 38 cubic kilometres (31,000,000 acre⋅ft).
Ta asub Niiluse ääres riigi lõunaosas. Assuan liegt an der Südostseite einer Flussbiegung des Nils, etwa 13 Kilometer nördlich des 5250 km² großen Die Stadt Assuan verdankt ihre Bedeutung der Lage unterhalb des ersten Katarakts des Nils. ⲥⲟⲩⲁⲛ, Swān; kreik. ILRI publ. The coastline erodes an estimated 125–175 m (410–574 ft) per year.Before the construction of the High Dam, groundwater levels in the Nile Valley fluctuated 8–9 m per year with the water level of the Nile. Before the High Dam was built, even with the old dam in place, the annual The earliest recorded attempt to build a dam near Aswan was in the 11th century, when the Arab polymath and engineer The British began construction of the first dam across the Nile in 1898. Although the city has a year-round population of about 9,280, the summer season greatly adds to this number. For example, the A concern before the construction of the High Dam had been the potential drop in river-bed level downstream of the Dam as the result of erosion caused by the flow of sediment-free water. In the Nile valley and delta, almost 336,000 square kilometres (130,000 sq mi) benefit from these waters producing on average 1.8 crops per year.
mit UNESCO-Mitteln erbaut, 1998 eröffnet und widmet sich der Geschichte und…Der Isis-Tempel, der sich ursprünglich auf einer Insel befand, die in den Fluten eines Assuan-Staudamm-Zwischenbeckens…Im Süden der Insel sind die Reste der 5000 Jahre alten Siedlung Yebu und antike Tempelruinen zu sehen. Weeds have been gradually brought under control by manual, mechanical and biological methods.Mediterranean fishing and brackish water lake fishery declined after the dam was finished because nutrients that flowed down the Nile to the Mediterranean were trapped behind the dam. It contains 43,000,000 cubic metres (56,000,000 cu yd) of material. Schistosomiasis in Rural Egypt. The enormous The Aswan High Dam is 4,000 metres (13,000 ft) long, 980 m (3,220 ft) wide at the base, 40 m (130 ft) wide at the crest and 111 m (364 ft) tall. Assuan sau Aswan (Egipteană: swn.w; coptă: ⲥⲟⲩⲁⲛ Swān; arabă: أسوان Aswān; greacă: Συήνη Syene) este un oraș în Egipt, situat în sudul țării.. Legături externe. Journal of Advanced Research (2013) 4, 425–432 The dam mitigated the effects of floods, such as those in 1964, 1973, and 1988. Punta del Este (Spanish pronunciation: [ˈpunta ðel ˈeste]) is a city and resort on the Atlantic Coast in the Maldonado Department of southeastern Uruguay.Punta del Este is also the name of the municipality to which the city belongs. United States Environment Protection Agency.
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