I noticed the two chestnuts Chul-min so firmly held in his hand. 18. After the officials make a sexual plaything of those females, they charge the women with fleeing and kill them to keep secrets. I found no such guest house in Camp 14, but David Hawk’s report notes this location at Camp 18, across the river. Lee Na-Neun, a former bodyguard for Kim Jong Il, describes the process of how the prisoners die:People constantly die from starvation in the political prison camps. He was forced to labor since he was six years …
[KBA 165]According to Shin Dong Hyuk, Camp 14 was originally established south of the Taedong River, were Camp 18 lies today. Like other military and security units and departments, his unit set up income-generating businesses, and Kim became a vice president in the Sohae (West Sea) Asahi Trading Company, which operated three fishing vessels exporting flounder and sole to Japan.As a hard-currency earner for the regime, Kim had access to dollars, foreign goods and culture, and a chauffeur-driven car. This somehow displeased the authorities and another round of shouting and violence followed. None of North Korea’s other concentration camps has a facility this isolated and secure. [Who were these people? In no time, the hard soles of his boots were laying heavy blows to poor Chul-min’s head until finally a pistol was taken out. Curfew lasts until 5 a.m. the next morning. He was sent to Yodok, one of North Korea’s largest prisons, which housed around 50,000 inmates. When the prisoner was caught, the guard shoved what remained of the whip down his throat. ]Kwan-li-so No. 18 in South Pyong-an Province, administration of the prison-labor camps was taken over by Kuk-ga-bo-wi-bu (usually abbreviated as “bo-wi-bu”), variously translated as the National Security Agency, National Security Police, State Political Protection Agency, or State Safety and Protection Agency. Half the population is female; the fathers of these families are either executed or sent to die in “total control zones.” KBA 542.The prisoners of Camp 14 have been sentenced for more serious political offenses. The health of prisoners breaks down under the weight of the constant hunger, exhaustion, exposure, and torture. When he was seven years old, unbeknownst to him at the time, his father and older brother were executed as spies for the United States. A sign on the gates greeted the newcomers: “Let’s sacrifice our lives to protect the revolutionary leadership of Dear Leader Kim Jong Il.” Many people died under the camp’s brutal treatment. Just think of how wonderful it would be if you could only go to South Korea. For other prisoners the interrogation period can be much longer.
I was only interrogated for three months. These bad elements were deported in cargo trains to twelve special districts to sever them completely from contact with innocent North Korean citizens. By 1998, knowing that death was near, she spoke to her son about the most forbidden of things — hope and freedom:From my question she seemed to have read my determination and answered:“If you think of the trivial things, you will never become a big man. The railroad from Camp 18 eastward, toward the power plant, does not cross the river or pass through Camp 14. That is an answer that will have to wait for better imagery, or for the camps’ liberation.Defectors claim that North Korean authorities believe that forced labor can “change an inmate’s intrinsic nature” and “restore his or her true characteristics.” To them, it can be a means of rehabilitation and political correction, but only for those it deems worthy of rehabilitation at all.
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