There was once a flood of molasses in Boston that killed 21 people. Some claim that parts of Boston's North End still smell like molasses on a hot day.Lansing is the only state capital that is not the county seat. Billings boasts a population of more than 110,300 residents.Carson City became the capital of the Nevada Territory in 1861 and stayed its capital when it became a state.Las Vegas has approximately 613,600 residents and the popular tourist destination is often thought to be the state capital.Concord has been the capital city of New Hampshire since 1808. Virginia Beach has 452,602 residents.Olympia was the state capital before it was even a town. Burlington has just over 42,000 residents and is located on the eastern shore of Lake Champlain.Richmond replaced Williamsburg as the state capital in 1779. Test your knowledge on this geography quiz to see how you do and compare your score to others. People commute here daily for their jobs and on a regular Monday afternoon, as many as 21,000 people could be inside the city limits. States and Capitals Click the state you're interested in below for quick access to a variety of state specific facts and other useful information. The capitol building, completed in 1904 and designed by Jackson was named after President Andrew Jackson and was chosen as the capital in 1821. Detroit had a population of just over 1 million residents in 1990 and now has just over 680,000 residents.In 1849, St. Paul was named the capital of the Minnesota territory.Minneapolis is one of the top 50 largest cities in the country, with 407,207 residents. Baltimore has a population of nearly 622,000 residents. The satellite view shows Providence, capital and the most populous city of Rhode Island, one of the New England states and the smallest of the 50 US states by area.The mid-size city is located along the Seekonk/Providence rivers at the northern end of Narragansett Bay. For example, "relations between Washington, D.C. and London" refer to "relations between the United States and the United Kingdom". In 1842, the capital moved to Houston and then in 1844, Austin again became the capital. Today, the city has a population of approximately 638,367 residents.Salem was chosen as the capital of the territory of Oregon in 1851 and later designated the state capital in 1855. Denver is 155 square miles and has a population of 663,862. It's also illegal to ride over 10 miles per hour on your horse.Des Moines became the capital in 1857 -- the previous capital was Iowa City. The city was first the capital from 1812 to 1817 and then in 1826, Nashville became the permanent capital of the state. New York City is the largest city in the US, but New York state capital Albany has fewer than 100,000 residents.

Cheyenne has just over 64,000 residents.Test your knowledge with Infoplease trivia and quizzes. Other capital cities of USA were chosen while the country was still worried about attacks from the British. We've got you covered with our map collection.Need a reference? Hartford became the sole capital of Connecticut in 1875. News media often use the name of a capital city as an alternative name for the country of which it is the capital or of the government that is seated there, as a form of metonymy.

Seattle has 704,352 residents and is known for being the headquarters of Starbucks, Microsoft and Amazon.Charleston became the state’s capital in 1877. In 2014, Philadelphia was the fifth largest city in the U.S., with more than 1.5 million residents.Providence was founded in 1636, which makes it one of the oldest cities in the United States. In 1839, Austin (once named Waterloo) became the capital of Texas. According to the National Climatic Data Center, the sun shines on Phoenix for 85 percent of its daylight hours.Little Rock became the capital of the territory of Arkansas  in 1821. The game The U.S.: State Capitals is available in the following languages: Seterra is an entertaining and educational geography game that lets you explore the world and learn about its countries, capitals, flags, oceans, lakes and more! Its railroad access also made it a critical player during the Civil War when it joined forces with the North. This was the first settlement in Vermont and was named in honor of a French city to recognize the French for their support during the American Revolution. Newark has approximately 281,764 residents and celebrated its 350th birthday in 2016.Santa Fe became the capital of the Territory of New Mexico in 1851 and remained its capital when it achieved statehood in 1912.Kingston was the first capital in New York, until the New York City, nicknamed “The Big Apple,” is home to more than 8.5 million residents and is the largest city in the United States.Like Jefferson City, Raleigh (designated the capital in 1792) was also Bismarck became the capital of the Dakota Territory in 1883 and stayed its capital when it became a state in 1889.Columbus was laid out as the state capital in 1812 but did not take over the government from Chillicothe until 1816.Oklahoma City became the capital in 1910.

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