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Es kann sich immer etwas ändern, daher kann ich natürlich keine Garantie übernehmen. Die Botschaft bzw. ConsulBy has no partnership with US Embassy in New Jersey so we can not allow you to with any administrative proceeding or processing which you want to return to your country. Bitte beachten Sie, dass sich die Informationen in Einzelfällen auch kurzfristig ändern können!
Signature Certifications / Authentications and Matters relating to Driver´s Licenses

ID cards cannot be applied for at the moment. Please book these appointments only if absolutely necessary and consider waiting until we resume regular operations. The Consulate General’s area of jurisdiction covers Connecticut (Fairfield County), New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania and Bermuda. Welcome to Deutsches Haus at NYU, New York’s leading institution for culture and language of the German-speaking world. Leiter: David Gill (Generalkonsul) New York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania; Fairfield County in Connecticut; Bermuda. Certifications, Notarizations and Apostille Amtsbezirk: Staaten New York, New Jersey und Pennsylvania sowie Fairfield County des Staates Connecticut, Bermuda. As of July 1st 2020 only the following travelers arriving from the USA are allowed to enter Germany:If you fulfill these requirements, please book an appointment to submit your visa application in this category. Accompanying persons may not enter the Consulate General.You can take passport photos for $ 5 at a machine operated by a private provider in the Consulate General. We ask for your understanding for increased waiting times for appointments at the moment.Due to high demand for passport and visa application appointments, waiting times for an appointment may be increased. Reports to: Consulate General New York. You require different legal services from the German Consulate General? The Consulate General’s area of jurisdiction covers Connecticut (Fairfield County), New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania and Bermuda.Please note that increased waiting times for appointments are to be expected in light of the recent closure of the visa section. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. In den > The machine only accepts cash and is not suitable for infants and small children under 4,3'.Payments of fees up to a value of EUR 1,000 can be made by Due to the outbreak of COVID-19 international travel restrictions are currently in place.
Information on visa applications, entry to Germany and quarantine regulations Please be advised that applications can only be accepted from applicants who reside in the Consulate General's area of jursidiction. Das Generalkonsulat bietet in reduzierter Anzahl Termine für die Beantragung von dringend benötigten Reisepässen und anderen konsularischen Dienstleistungen an.

German Classes at Deutsches Haus.

E-Mail. Die Werbung hilft mit den Kosten des Blogs.Ich wähle die Informationen und ausgehende Links nach bestem Wissen und Gewissen. Willkommen in New York! Coronavirus and entry restrictions: 6 things travellers to Germany need to know Our Consular Department staff is offering consular and legal assistance for U.S. residents and German citizens like information on passports, visas and citizenship.Due to the coronavirus outbreak many countries have imposed travel restrictions or taken other steps to prevent the spread of COVID-19. A Peaceful Revolution – 30 Years Fall of the Berlin Wall


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