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Give us your email and we will let you know when you can purchase it. Der Kremlin Award Classic Vodka wird nach einer sehr alten Rezeptur hergestellt, die Wacholder beinhaltet. Sign up and you will receive the best offers by email. Si quieres comprar Vodka Kremlin Award 1L, en Drinks&Co encontrarás los mejores precios de Vodkas Moscow Distillery.
This implies to us a soft, approachable vodka deigned for mixing. Winery: Moscow Distillery. Name Email Required. We use cookies, both own and third parties, to provide our services.
Objem: 1 l. Obsah alkoholu: 40%.
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A végső keveréket két hétig pihentetik,... 12 220 Ft-tól.
We have over 59.000 products for sale converting Drinks&Co this way into a leader in Europe with more than 38.000 customers who trust us. Rated with 4,5 of 5 points according to Drinks&Co's users. Zisti dostupnosť na predajniach. vodka Vodka Kremlin Award, Vodka. We use cookies, both own and third parties, to provide our services. You'll love buying vodka. & share your opinion
KREMLIN Award Classic Vodka (1L) (1 vélemény) Összehasonlítás.
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vodka Vodka Kremlin Award 1L, Vodka. Si continúa navegando, consideraremos que está usted aceptando nuestra If you continue to browse, we'll consider you're accepting our Si quieres comprar Vodka Kremlin Award 1L, en Drinks&Co encontrarás los mejores precios de Vodkas Moscow Distillery. ex. Vodka Kremlin Award 40% 1L; Vodka Kremlin Award 40% 1L.
Además, disponemos de un catálogo de más de 59.000 productos en venta y somos la tienda de vinos, cervezas y destilados líder en Europa, con más de 38.000 clientes que han confiado en nosotros. Buy it now at Drinks&Co, via your computer or your mobile device. Close [x] Ship to: Your account.
, Calle Pau Claris 194, 7º 1ª 08037 Barcelona, España
Adquiérela al mejor precio en Drinks&Co estés donde estés, desde todos tus dispositivos. Rated with 4,5 of 5 points according to Drinks&Co's users. Go to shop ... KREMLIN AWARD VODKA GRAND PREMIUM RUSSIAN GFT PK W/ 2X200ML $ 24.99 $ 62.47 / 1000ml.
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Buy at the best price from $53.76! Upgrade to PRO . Serv. Check with the merchant for stock availability. Go to shop Search results prioritize 10 sponsor listings. Share your opinion!
Comments Required. Moscow Distillery presents us the Vodka Kremlin Award 1L , a vodka with an alcoholic content of 40%. ºC: , Alc. Die 1 Liter Flasche des Kremlin Award Classic Vodka ist derzeit leider nur sehr selten in Deutschland zu finden. Űrtartalom: 1 liter; Alkoholtartalom: 40 %; 2016-tól egy új Kremlint is kiadnak Classic néven, amelyet más recept alapján alkotnak meg, mint az eddigi, immáron Grand Premium néven futó vodkát. by type .
Kremlin Award vodka premium Russia 1L. Al darte de alta recibirás las mejores ofertas en tu correo.
Kremlin Award vodka is made in Russia from a base of grain and blended down with water that goes through six steps of purification and only the highest quality spirits.
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Adquiérela al mejor precio en Drinks&Co estés donde estés, desde todos tus dispositivos.
Utilizamos cookies, tanto propias como de terceros, para ofrecer nuestros servicios. 45.99 € s DPH. EAN: 4601033144745. Kremlin Award vodka premium Russia 1L (No reviews yet) Write a Review Write a Review. Kremlin Award vodka premium Russia 1L $ 42.99. ex. Have you tasted it?
Sehr ungewöhnlich für einen Vodka, aber unserer Meinung nach sehr köstlich. Create your account; Login; Cart; Wine. Ideal natural ingredients, blended according to a unique recipe, create an exceptional flavour and clean, delicate vodka. Upgrade to PRO to view all 94 results.
Winery: Moscow Distillery.
If you want to buy Vodka Kremlin Award 1L, at Drinks&Co you will find the best prices for Vodkas Moscow Distillery. Danos tu email y te notificaremos cuando puedas comprarlo.
40,0%, cena je platná iba pre eshop cena na predajni sa môže líšiť skladom 1 ks Jednotková cena: 45.99 € -+ Vložiť do košíka.
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