With new weapon sounds! Per the BBC, “Dnipro” was later to an open source investigation by the Ukrainian publication Bukvy and match in Kyiv. The National Militia, as well as the National Corps, is growing its footprint in Ukraine, and both of these organizations conduct regular The Azov movement is highly critical of Ukraine’s current government and is dis-proportionally visible in Ukraine due to the controversial and at times violent politics espoused by its political and street branches. The individual in question goes by “ to be an Azov veteran and current National Militia .

Lapaev’s very public social media accounts on Facebook and Instagram offer an exhaustive account of his life and involvement with the ESA; for instance, he was apparently able to obtain This is especially remarkable since Lapaev’s social media profiles present ones apparently taken in the conflict zone) of him giving Nazi salutes among groups of armed individuals, and even posing with a Nazi Lapaev appears in a number of photographs posted by the ESA Ukraine Facebook page, including next to ESA instructor “Sem”.
Photographs of Lapaev in full spec ops gear with what appears to be a semi-automatic rifle are on the National Militia Instagram in a propagandist context, suggesting he is a member of the organization.

“Rather than disband Azov, the government incorporated it into the Ukrainian National Guard overseen by the Ministry of the Interior”, U.S. Can’t think of another opportunity to meet up for us, fascist, national-socialist, nationalist and some ‘friends’ from neighboring countries that didn’t want to pose for the photo. The latter was stated regarding the National Police unit that apparently trained with the ESA in July 2016.Bartosz Bryl said via email that his company will not disclose information related to payments for specific trainings to third parties.
The organization’s activists, predominantly athletic young men, passed out leaflets instructing “foreign workers” on “proper” behavior. Along with our published content, we will update our readers on events that our staff and contributors are involved with, such as noteworthy interviews and training workshops. Afterward young nationalists had an opportunity to use the weapons practically and make several dozen shots with it”. GO Zirka, which is involved in both veteran and street politics, is a satellite of the Azov movement and is closely aligned with the National Corps and the National Militia.Makeev is a former Azov fighter and, according to various media reports, a Russian citizen. A March 2016 post on the ESA Ukraine Facebook page features a glowing endorsement from the Azov Regiment, a military formation long mired in controversy because of its far-right ideology, along with credible accusations from the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) of Azov members and leaders “Fighters and commanders of special operations regiment Azov express great gratitude to instructors of European Security Academy – Ukraine for (your) help in defending Ukrainian state.

In Lapaev’s case, numerous photographs of himself giving Nazi salutes are visible to the public, not to mention his Facebook friends. Our instructors, first and foremost, explained how to handle weapons safely and provided basic handling tips. Vovk, according to numerous photographs posted online, is an activist with the National Militia and National Corps.

The unit used to have a dedicated page at ooso.com.ua (a reference to which apparently related to the National Police), but it is now defunct. Bellingcat’s investigation has revealed that active members of far-right organizations in Ukraine with a record of violence are among the ESA’s training graduates in Ukraine and Poland. on the same page shows a CPO (close protection operative) course in the ESA training center in Poland for a “Ukrainian group”.

The center serves as a major training hub for the private military and security contracting industry internationally and was mentioned in a 2015 AFP , which employs 1500+ people.

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